Sistematización de la experiencia del diseño e implementación del proyecto “Emprende”, de promoción de cadenas de valor para obtener información sobre su alineamiento con los principios del enfoque sistémico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis pretende ser la sistematización de la experiencia del diseño
e implementación del proyecto binacional EMPRENDE, que ejecuta
Swisscontact con financiamiento propio y de la Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo
y la Cooperación (COSUDE) en Ecuador y Perú; para el presente estudio
analizaremos la intervención en el ámbito de la Región San Martín.
El objetivo del Proyecto Emprende es contribuir a la inserción efectiva de las
unidades productivas familiares a las cadenas de valor del grano de cacao –en
el caso de San Martín para incrementar sus ingresos y mejorar sus medios de
La particularidad de este proyecto es que fue implementado bajo el modelo de
mercados inclusivos. Modelo que analiza las restricciones y oportunidades que
ofrecen los mercados de forma sistémica; es decir analiza a los actores
existentes del mercado (públicos y privados), sus funciones, reglas (formales e
informales) y cómo interactúan. Con este conocimiento y entendimiento se
inicia el trabajo para que los sectores más necesitados puedan incluirse en este
sistema para lograr mejoras sostenibles en su calidad de vida. De esta manera,
los mercados inclusivos generan empleo y aseguran que los bienes esenciales
y los servicios estén disponibles para la gente menos favorecida.
Consideramos que la aplicación de este modelo de intervención surge como
una oportunidad para la Gerencia Social, como un modelo que puede ser
replicable; a diferencia de los proyectos aplicados con el enfoque tradicional,
que concluida la intervención las relaciones entre actores disminuye o
desaparece, el enfoque sistémico asegura, a través de la dinámica del
mercado, la sostenibilidad del proyecto y además permite sustentar los
principios de eficiencia y eficacia en el uso de fondos para la promoción del
This thesis aims to systematize the experience of the design and implementation of the EMPRENDE binational project, implemented by Swisscontact with its own financing and the SDC, in Ecuador and Peru. For the present study, we will analyze the intervention in the Region San Martín. The objective of the Emprende project is to contribute to the effective insertion of family production units into the value chains of the cocoa bean, in the case of San Martín, to increase their incomes and improve their livelihoods. The particularity of this project is that it was implemented under the model of inclusive markets. Model that analyzes the restrictions and opportunities offered by the markets in a systemic way. It analyzes the existing actors of the market (public and private), their functions, rules (formal and informal) and how they interact. With this knowledge and understanding, the work consists on looking for the mechanisms to include the needier sectors in the market chain to achieve sustainable improvements in their quality of life. In this way, inclusive markets generate employment and ensure that essential goods and services are available to the producers. We consider that the application of this intervention model emerges as an opportunity for Social Management, as a model that can be replicable; in contrast to the projects implemented with the traditional approach, once the relations between actors diminish or disappear, the systemic approach ensures, through market dynamics, the sustainability of the project and supports the principles of efficiency and effectiveness in the use of funds for the promotion of development.
This thesis aims to systematize the experience of the design and implementation of the EMPRENDE binational project, implemented by Swisscontact with its own financing and the SDC, in Ecuador and Peru. For the present study, we will analyze the intervention in the Region San Martín. The objective of the Emprende project is to contribute to the effective insertion of family production units into the value chains of the cocoa bean, in the case of San Martín, to increase their incomes and improve their livelihoods. The particularity of this project is that it was implemented under the model of inclusive markets. Model that analyzes the restrictions and opportunities offered by the markets in a systemic way. It analyzes the existing actors of the market (public and private), their functions, rules (formal and informal) and how they interact. With this knowledge and understanding, the work consists on looking for the mechanisms to include the needier sectors in the market chain to achieve sustainable improvements in their quality of life. In this way, inclusive markets generate employment and ensure that essential goods and services are available to the producers. We consider that the application of this intervention model emerges as an opportunity for Social Management, as a model that can be replicable; in contrast to the projects implemented with the traditional approach, once the relations between actors diminish or disappear, the systemic approach ensures, through market dynamics, the sustainability of the project and supports the principles of efficiency and effectiveness in the use of funds for the promotion of development.
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