En la periferia de la ciudad y la gobernanza : un estudio de caso sobre la gestión local del agua y saneamiento en el Asentamiento Humano del Cerro Las Ánimas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Lima presenta una inequidad en el acceso a los servicios de agua y saneamiento, por ello la
modernización del sector apunta a la universalización del servicio. Esta tesis investiga a partir
del enfoque de la ecología política y los sistemas socioecológicos los impactos de la política
hídrica urbana en la gestión local del agua en las zonas periurbana de Lima, a través de un
estudio de caso sobre el acceso al agua y alcantarillado del Asentamiento Humano del Cerro Las
Ánimas, en el distrito de Puente Piedra. La investigación se ampara en los pilares de la
investigación cualitativa. Los hallazgos señalan que las principales barreras para lograr la
equidad del acceso al agua y saneamiento a las periferias, no obedecen a la falta de
financiamiento o escasez del agua, sino que se vinculan a una gobernanza que favorece un
manejo centralizado, intereses políticos, economías de escala, privilegia el sistema convencional
de agua y que descarta a priori la participación de sistemas alternativos de agua y saneamiento.
Aunque estos parezcan informales y subalternos al estado, son productos de sus políticas
Lima presents inequities in drinking water supply and sanitation. This research analyzes the case of a “Water Committee” in the human settlement located in the district of Puente Piedra, in the north of Lima. This study was conducted with a variety of mixed methods. These methods included analysis of key policy documents and in-depth interviews with water operators, SEDAPAL engineering, residents and other key informants people linked to the city’s water policies. The investigation shows how the water committee was the result of policies promoted by agent’s water international organizations cooperation and state through a development project that once completed was not sustainable and did not address equality. Currently it remains as subaltern to the official water management in Lima. The small-scale providers are not included in urban water governance. In addition the policy of city water do not believe in these small water providers and their possible development because their policies lead patterns towards a centralized management of wáter and sanitation through a specialized operator who promotes efficiency criteria and scale economies.
Lima presents inequities in drinking water supply and sanitation. This research analyzes the case of a “Water Committee” in the human settlement located in the district of Puente Piedra, in the north of Lima. This study was conducted with a variety of mixed methods. These methods included analysis of key policy documents and in-depth interviews with water operators, SEDAPAL engineering, residents and other key informants people linked to the city’s water policies. The investigation shows how the water committee was the result of policies promoted by agent’s water international organizations cooperation and state through a development project that once completed was not sustainable and did not address equality. Currently it remains as subaltern to the official water management in Lima. The small-scale providers are not included in urban water governance. In addition the policy of city water do not believe in these small water providers and their possible development because their policies lead patterns towards a centralized management of wáter and sanitation through a specialized operator who promotes efficiency criteria and scale economies.
Palabras clave
Recursos hidrológicos--Perú--Lima, Abastecimiento de agua--Perú--Lima., Derecho de aguas., Agua--Abastecimiento.
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