Fluidez verbal en niños y niñas de 5 años en situación de extrema pobreza de la Comunidad Urbana Autogestionaria de Huaycán - ATE.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación titulada, “Fluidez verbal en niños y niñas de 5 años en situación de extrema pobreza de la comunidad autogestionaria de Huaycán- Ate”, tiene por objeto conocer el nivel de fluidez verbal en niños y niñas desde 5 años 8 meses hasta 5 años 11 meses de las zonas G, R Y K de Huaycán.
Para esta investigación se utilizó el sub test de expresión verbal de la adaptación y la Estandarización psicométrica del Test de Illinois de Aptitudes Psicolingüísticas ITPA, de 4 a 7 años de diferente nivel socioeconómico residentes en Lima Metropolitana; que evalúa la fluidez verbal del niño a partir del número de conceptos expresados verbalmente. Al término de esta investigación se pudo comprobar un bajo nivel de fluidez verbal en todas las categorías presentadas y que la edad de expresión verbal en promedio, no corresponde a la edad real en los niños y niñas de 5 años de la comunidad autogestionaria de Huaycán
Palabras claves: Fluidez verbal y extrema pobreza
This research entitled, "Verbal fluency in children of 5 years old in extreme poverty from the self-managed community of Huaycán -Ate", is aimed at ascertain the level of verbal fluency in children from 5 years old and 8 months to 5 years old and 11 months from the areas G, R, Y and K from Huaycán. For this research, it has been used the verbal sub test adaptation and psychometric Standardization from the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities ITPA, from 4 and 7 years old of different socioeconomic level living in the City of Lima, which assesses the verbal fluency from a child according to the number of concepts expressed verbally. Upon completion of this investigation it was found a low level of verbal fluency in all categories presented and that the verbal age on average, does not correspond to the real age in 5 year old children from the self-managed community of Huaycán
This research entitled, "Verbal fluency in children of 5 years old in extreme poverty from the self-managed community of Huaycán -Ate", is aimed at ascertain the level of verbal fluency in children from 5 years old and 8 months to 5 years old and 11 months from the areas G, R, Y and K from Huaycán. For this research, it has been used the verbal sub test adaptation and psychometric Standardization from the Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities ITPA, from 4 and 7 years old of different socioeconomic level living in the City of Lima, which assesses the verbal fluency from a child according to the number of concepts expressed verbally. Upon completion of this investigation it was found a low level of verbal fluency in all categories presented and that the verbal age on average, does not correspond to the real age in 5 year old children from the self-managed community of Huaycán
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