Deserción laboral de beneficiarios del Programa Jóvenes a la Obra: el caso de la Empresa Textiles Camones, distrito de Puente Piedra - Lima, 2015
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Presentamos el estudio de caso, llevado a cabo en el año 2015, sobre la deserción laboral
de los jóvenes del distrito de Puente Piedra (Lima) que son beneficiarios del Programa
Nacional de Empleo Jóvenes a la Obra (hoy Jóvenes Productivos) del Ministerio de
Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo, los que al concluir su periodo de formación, fueron
insertados en la empresa Textiles Camones para desempeñarse como maquinistas. Con
edades entre 18 y 29 años, con predominio de la participación femenina, cumplen con
una exigente jornada laboral, resultado de los requerimientos de producción en el modelo
empresarial “maquila” que implementa la empresa.
Los principales hallazgos de la investigación fueron; en primer lugar, reportamos un
desencuentro entre el perfil formativo y el perfil exigido por la empresa. En segundo lugar,
los lentos y deficientes procesos en la implementación del programa. Otro hallazgo son
las expectativas de los jóvenes millenials trabajadores, quienes son estimulados no solo
por una remuneración mayor, sino, también, por el reconocimiento de la empresa como
un lugar de aprendizaje permanente.
Constatamos que la inserción de estos jóvenes es resultado de los procesos de
focalización y formación. Luego de tres meses, renuncian a la plaza obtenida, a pesar de
que tienen posibilidades de laborar en el mercado de confecciones textiles. Las causas
que forzaron la deserción, se debieron a la falta de claridad en la información recibida en
el proceso de inducción, el no logro de otros beneficios como son los estudios nocturnos,
un déficit entre sus expectativas salariales logradas y las comprometidas por la empresa,
condiciones indispensables para sentirse acogidos por una alternativa de formación
laboral atractiva y competitiva.
En el primer capítulo se presenta la introducción, el segundo contiene el detalle del diseño
metodológico, el tercer capítulo abordará el marco teórico sobre el que se sustenta la
presente investigación, los antecedentes del modelo formativo encontrados en otros
países, así como un análisis minucioso de los autores sobre el Programa y sus
subsistemas. Los capítulos V, VI y VII mostraran los resultados obtenidos, los que brindan
respuestas contundentes a los objetivos propuestos.
La presente investigación pertenece al ámbito de la Gerencia Social por enfocarse en la
problemática del fortalecimiento de las competencias básicas para el trabajo, en busca de
mecanismos de integración entre los jóvenes y el mercado laboral formal peruano. Para
evitar la deserción laboral juvenil en la empresa, proponemos medidas correctivas,
objetivas y eficientes para ser implementadas por el Programa.
We present the case study, carried out in 2015, on the desertion of young people from Puente Piedra district (Lima) who are beneficiaries of the National Youth Employment Program (now Jóvenes Productivos) of the Ministry of Labor and Promotion of Employment, which at the end of their training period, they were inserted into the company Textiles Camones to perform as machinists. With ages between 18 and 29, with a predominance of female participation, they meet a demanding workday, the result of production requirements in the "maquila" business model implemented by the company. The main findings of the investigation were; In the first place, we report a mismatch between the training profile and the profile required by the company. Second, we found slow and poor process used in the Program. Another finding is the expectations of young millennials workers, who are stimulated not only by higher remuneration, but also by the recognition of the company as a place of lifelong learning. We note that the insertion of these young people is the result of the processes of targeting and training. After three months, they renounce to the obtained position, despite the fact that they have possibilities of working in the textile confection market. The causes that forced the desertion, were due to the lack of clarity in the information received in the induction process, they not -achievemen of other benefits such as night studies, a deficit between their salary expectations achieved and those committed by the company, indispensable conditions to feel welcomed by an alternative of attractive and competitive labor training. In the first chapter the introduction is presented, the second contains the detail of the methodological design, the third chapter will deal with the theoretical framework on which the present research is based, the background of the training model found in other countries, as well as a thorough analysis of the authors about the Program and its subsystems. Chapters V, VI and VII will show the results obtained, which provide strong answers to the proposed objectives. This research belongs to the field of Social Management for focusing on the problem of strengthening basic skills for work, in search of integration mechanisms between young people and the formal Peruvian labor market. In order to avoid youth labor desertion in the company, we propose corrective, objective and efficient measures to be implemented by the Program
We present the case study, carried out in 2015, on the desertion of young people from Puente Piedra district (Lima) who are beneficiaries of the National Youth Employment Program (now Jóvenes Productivos) of the Ministry of Labor and Promotion of Employment, which at the end of their training period, they were inserted into the company Textiles Camones to perform as machinists. With ages between 18 and 29, with a predominance of female participation, they meet a demanding workday, the result of production requirements in the "maquila" business model implemented by the company. The main findings of the investigation were; In the first place, we report a mismatch between the training profile and the profile required by the company. Second, we found slow and poor process used in the Program. Another finding is the expectations of young millennials workers, who are stimulated not only by higher remuneration, but also by the recognition of the company as a place of lifelong learning. We note that the insertion of these young people is the result of the processes of targeting and training. After three months, they renounce to the obtained position, despite the fact that they have possibilities of working in the textile confection market. The causes that forced the desertion, were due to the lack of clarity in the information received in the induction process, they not -achievemen of other benefits such as night studies, a deficit between their salary expectations achieved and those committed by the company, indispensable conditions to feel welcomed by an alternative of attractive and competitive labor training. In the first chapter the introduction is presented, the second contains the detail of the methodological design, the third chapter will deal with the theoretical framework on which the present research is based, the background of the training model found in other countries, as well as a thorough analysis of the authors about the Program and its subsystems. Chapters V, VI and VII will show the results obtained, which provide strong answers to the proposed objectives. This research belongs to the field of Social Management for focusing on the problem of strengthening basic skills for work, in search of integration mechanisms between young people and the formal Peruvian labor market. In order to avoid youth labor desertion in the company, we propose corrective, objective and efficient measures to be implemented by the Program
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