Informe jurídico sobre la sentencia de fondo de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el Caso Manuela y otros vs. El Salvador
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe realizará un análisis jurídico sobre el Caso Manuela y otros
vs. El Salvador desde el DIDH. Para tal fin, se centrará en determinar la
responsabilidad internacional del Estado por la presunta vulneración de los
derechos humanos de Manuela a raíz de los actos de violencia obstétrica como
la penalización absoluta del aborto en su legislación. En esa línea, el tratamiento
deshumanizado y negligente de la emergencia obstétrica sufrida se materializó
como dos manifestaciones de violencia obstétrica. Como consecuencia de ello,
la falta de atención de su salud reproductiva con calidad y aceptabilidad en su
etapa post-parto, se concretiza en una vulneración del artículo 26 y 5.2 en
relación al artículo 1.1 de la CADH.
Asimismo, la falta de investigación con la debida diligencia los actos de violencia
obstétrica sufridos, por Manuela, se materializará en la vulneración del artículo 7
a) y b) de la Convención Belém Do Pará. Para finalizar, la criminalización de la
emergencia obstetrica sufrida por Manuela se concretizo a raíz de la
penalización absoluta del aborto. Como consecuencia de ello, la regulación de
la interrupción del embarazo generó un impacto desproporcionado en los
derechos humanos de Manuela.
This report will carry out a legal analysis of the case of Manuela et al. v. El Salvador from the perspective of IHRL. To this end, it will focus on determining the international responsibility of the State for the alleged violation of Manuela's human rights as a result of the acts of obstetric violence and the absolute criminalisation of abortion in its legislation. Along these lines, the dehumanised and negligent treatment of the obstetric emergency she suffered materialised as two manifestations of obstetric violence. As a consequence, the lack of quality and acceptable reproductive health care in the post-partum stage is a violation of articles 26 and 5.2 in relation to article 1.1 of the ACHR. Likewise, the failure to investigate with due diligence the acts of obstetric violence suffered by Manuela, will be materialised in the violation of article 7 a) and b) of the Convention Belém Do Pará. Finally, the criminalisation of the obstetric emergency suffered by Manuela was concretised as a result of the absolute criminalisation of abortion. As a consequence, the regulation of the termination of pregnancy had a disproportionate impact on Manuela's human rights.
This report will carry out a legal analysis of the case of Manuela et al. v. El Salvador from the perspective of IHRL. To this end, it will focus on determining the international responsibility of the State for the alleged violation of Manuela's human rights as a result of the acts of obstetric violence and the absolute criminalisation of abortion in its legislation. Along these lines, the dehumanised and negligent treatment of the obstetric emergency she suffered materialised as two manifestations of obstetric violence. As a consequence, the lack of quality and acceptable reproductive health care in the post-partum stage is a violation of articles 26 and 5.2 in relation to article 1.1 of the ACHR. Likewise, the failure to investigate with due diligence the acts of obstetric violence suffered by Manuela, will be materialised in the violation of article 7 a) and b) of the Convention Belém Do Pará. Finally, the criminalisation of the obstetric emergency suffered by Manuela was concretised as a result of the absolute criminalisation of abortion. As a consequence, the regulation of the termination of pregnancy had a disproportionate impact on Manuela's human rights.
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