Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución N° 4 de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima recaída en el Expediente N° 05726-2014 (de conformidad con la Resolución Suprema N° 019-2014-EM) La superposición de concesiones de distribución eléctrica entre COELVISAC y ELECTRONORTE en la zona de Olmos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico tiene como finalidad analizar el caso de la
superposición de concesiones de distribución eléctrica entre las empresas
COELVISAC y ELECTRONORTE, en el área de Olmos. Dicha superposición se
generó debido a que, por un lado, el 18 de enero de 2014, el Gobierno Regional
de Lambayeque otorgó una concesión a COELVISAC para que pueda
desarrollar la actividad de distribución eléctrica en la zona del Proyecto de
Irrigación Olmos. Sin embargo, por otro lado, el 07 de abril de 2014, mediante
una Resolución Suprema del Ministerio de Energía y Minas, se aprobaría la
quinta ampliación de concesión de distribución de ELECTRONORTE, en la
misma área que COELVISAC.
Frente a dicha controversia, se han identificado tres problemas principales, los
cuales versan, en primer lugar, sobre la entidad competente para otorgar
concesiones, así como ampliaciones de concesión, para lo cual se revisarán las
normas que transfirieron competencias entre el MINEM y el Gobierno Regional
de Lambayeque. En segundo lugar, se evaluará si el Ministerio ha aplicado
correctamente la Ley de Concesiones Eléctricas y su Reglamento a fin de otorgar
la ampliación de concesión a ENSA. Finalmente, el tercer problema busca
analizar si se ha vulnerado el principio de subsidiariedad previsto en el artículo
60 de la Constitución Política del Perú.
La conclusión del presente trabajo es que el MINEM no solo aprobó
correctamente la ampliación de concesión de ENSA, sino que también se han
respetado las normas que regulan las competencias del MINEM, pues la facultad
de resolver solicitudes de ampliación de concesiones de distribución nunca fue
conferida expresamente al Gobierno Regional de Lambayeque. Finalmente,
ENSA ha venido desarrollando su actividad empresarial respetando el artículo
60 de la Constitución.
The purpose of this legal report is to analyze the overlapping electrical distribution concessions between the COELVISAC and ELECTRONORTE, in the Olmos area. This overlap was generated due to the fact that, on the one hand, on January 18, 2014, the Lambayeque Regional Government granted a concession to COELVISAC so that it could carry out electrical distribution activities in the area of the Olmos Irrigation Project. However, on the other hand, on April 7, 2014, through a Supreme Resolution of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the fifth expansion of the distribution concession of ELECTRONORTE would be approved, in the same area as COELVISAC. Faced with this controversy, three main problems have been identified, which deal, firstly, with the competent entity to grant concessions, as well as concession extensions. Secondly, it will be evaluated whether the Ministry has correctly applied the Electricity Concessions Law and its Regulations in order to grant the concession extension to ENSA. Finally, the third problem seeks to analyze if the principle of subsidiarity provided for in article 60 of the Political Constitution of Peru has been violated. The conclusion of this work is that MINEM not only correctly approved ENSA's concession extension, but also that the rules regulate MINEM's powers have been respected, since the power to resolve requests for distribution concession extensions was never conferred. Finally, ENSA has been developing its business activity respecting article 60 of the Constitution.
The purpose of this legal report is to analyze the overlapping electrical distribution concessions between the COELVISAC and ELECTRONORTE, in the Olmos area. This overlap was generated due to the fact that, on the one hand, on January 18, 2014, the Lambayeque Regional Government granted a concession to COELVISAC so that it could carry out electrical distribution activities in the area of the Olmos Irrigation Project. However, on the other hand, on April 7, 2014, through a Supreme Resolution of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, the fifth expansion of the distribution concession of ELECTRONORTE would be approved, in the same area as COELVISAC. Faced with this controversy, three main problems have been identified, which deal, firstly, with the competent entity to grant concessions, as well as concession extensions. Secondly, it will be evaluated whether the Ministry has correctly applied the Electricity Concessions Law and its Regulations in order to grant the concession extension to ENSA. Finally, the third problem seeks to analyze if the principle of subsidiarity provided for in article 60 of the Political Constitution of Peru has been violated. The conclusion of this work is that MINEM not only correctly approved ENSA's concession extension, but also that the rules regulate MINEM's powers have been respected, since the power to resolve requests for distribution concession extensions was never conferred. Finally, ENSA has been developing its business activity respecting article 60 of the Constitution.
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