Implementación de las Defensorías Universitarias en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación analiza la situación actual de la implementación de
las Defensorías Universitarias en el país a partir de la promulgación de la Ley
Universitaria 30220 en julio del 2014. A partir de ésta, las universidades se ven en la
necesidad de adecuarse tanto para obtener el Licenciamiento como la implementación
de la Defensoría Universitaria que es supervisada por la Superintendencia Nacional de
Educación Superior Universitaria (SUNEDU). Para el presente estudio se han
considerado las universidades que han obtenido su Licenciamiento y se encuentren en
la ciudad de Lima. A través de una metodología cualitativa se han realizado ocho
entrevistas semiestructuradas a los Defensores Universitarios de estas universidades
para obtener información acerca de su gestión, casos atendidos, procesos, normativa,
dificultades y mejoras. El análisis de los resultados muestra que cada Defensoría
Universitaria mantiene una estructura organizativa propia; asimismo, existe una
tendencia a priorizar la atención a los estudiantes y no necesariamente a toda la
comunidad universitaria; al mismo tiempo, la SUNEDU se limita a una relación operativa
que deja de lado temas como el acompañamiento, la formación o la retroalimentación
de las Defensorías.
This research paper analyzes the current situation of the implementation of University Defenders in the country since the enactment of Law 30220 about Universities in July 2014. Since then, universities had to adapt both to obtain the Licensing and the implementation of the University Defense Office, which is supervised by the Superintendencia Nacional de Educacion Superior Universitaria (SUNEDU). For the present study we have considered the universities that obtained their Licensing and are located in the city of Lima. Using a qualitative methodology, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with these university ombudsmen to obtain information on their management, cases, processes, regulations, difficulties and improvements. The analysis of results shows that each University Defense Office maintains its own organizational structure; also, there is a tendency to prioritize attention to students and not necessarily to the entire university community; at the same time, SUNEDU is limited to an operational relationship that leaves out issues such as accompaniment, training or feedback from the Defense Offices.
This research paper analyzes the current situation of the implementation of University Defenders in the country since the enactment of Law 30220 about Universities in July 2014. Since then, universities had to adapt both to obtain the Licensing and the implementation of the University Defense Office, which is supervised by the Superintendencia Nacional de Educacion Superior Universitaria (SUNEDU). For the present study we have considered the universities that obtained their Licensing and are located in the city of Lima. Using a qualitative methodology, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with these university ombudsmen to obtain information on their management, cases, processes, regulations, difficulties and improvements. The analysis of results shows that each University Defense Office maintains its own organizational structure; also, there is a tendency to prioritize attention to students and not necessarily to the entire university community; at the same time, SUNEDU is limited to an operational relationship that leaves out issues such as accompaniment, training or feedback from the Defense Offices.
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