Informe sobre Resolución N° 0190/CEB-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Constitución de 1993 reconoce la participación de las personas en la economía
nacional a través de la puesta en práctica del derecho de libertad de empresa bajo un
contexto en el que la iniciativa es privada y se mueve en el marco de la economía social
de mercado, donde el Estado establece políticas y regulaciones que velan por proteger
tales derechos; sin embargo, resultará necesario que sea limitado o restringido con el
objetivo de velar por el interés público.
Las condiciones establecidas y emitidas por el Estado imponen barreras burocráticas que
limitan dichas libertades, cuya validez se basará en principios de legalidad y
razonabilidad; debido a que de lo contrario, se causaría un perjuicio a la actividad privada
con los requisitos, exigencias, cobros y/o prohibiciones que imponen las Entidades como
las Municipalidades, en virtud de su autonomía constitucionalmente reconocida y
desarrollada mediante leyes como la Ley N° 27783, Ley de Bases de la Descentralización
y la Ley N° 27972, Ley Orgánica de Municipalidades, Ley N° 28976, Ley Marco de
Licencia de Funcionamiento y la Ley N° 27444, Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo
General; sin embargo, debe ser ejercida observando todo el ordenamiento jurídico.
En ese sentido, las condiciones establecidas por las Municipalidades que limitan la
libertad de empresa, a través de la imposición de un horario de apertura y/o cierre a los
establecimientos comerciales, son barreras burocráticas que podrían ser declaradas
ilegales o irrazonables por la entidad competente para ello.
The 1993 Constitution recognizes the participation of people in the national economy through the implementation of the right to free enterprise in a context where free private initiative moves within the framework of the social market economy. The State establishes policies and regulations that ensure the protection of such rights; however, it will be necessary to be limited or restricted to protect the public interest. The conditions established and issued by the State impose bureaucratic barriers that limit the freedom of enterprise and free private initiative. Its validity will be based on principles of legality and reasonableness. Failure to comply with these conditions would jeopardize the liability to private activity involving requirements, demands, prohibitions, and charges imposed by an Entity, such as municipal offices, under the autonomy constitutionally recognized and developed through laws such as Law No. 27783, Decentralization Bases Law and Law No. 27972, Organic Law of Municipalities, Law No. 28976, Framework Law for Operations License and Law No. 27444, General Administrative Procedure Law. Nevertheless, the observation of the entire legal system must be exerted. In this sense, he conditions established by de local government that limit the freedom of business through the imposition of opening and closing hours on commercial establishments are bureaucratic barriers that could be declared illegal or unreasonable by the competent entity.
The 1993 Constitution recognizes the participation of people in the national economy through the implementation of the right to free enterprise in a context where free private initiative moves within the framework of the social market economy. The State establishes policies and regulations that ensure the protection of such rights; however, it will be necessary to be limited or restricted to protect the public interest. The conditions established and issued by the State impose bureaucratic barriers that limit the freedom of enterprise and free private initiative. Its validity will be based on principles of legality and reasonableness. Failure to comply with these conditions would jeopardize the liability to private activity involving requirements, demands, prohibitions, and charges imposed by an Entity, such as municipal offices, under the autonomy constitutionally recognized and developed through laws such as Law No. 27783, Decentralization Bases Law and Law No. 27972, Organic Law of Municipalities, Law No. 28976, Framework Law for Operations License and Law No. 27444, General Administrative Procedure Law. Nevertheless, the observation of the entire legal system must be exerted. In this sense, he conditions established by de local government that limit the freedom of business through the imposition of opening and closing hours on commercial establishments are bureaucratic barriers that could be declared illegal or unreasonable by the competent entity.