Eficacia de la guía de entrenamiento EM3A para estimular las estrategias metacognitivas en niños de inicial 3 años de una institución educativa privada de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la actualidad los escolares presentan dificultades para regular su
aprendizaje, repercutiendo en su rendimiento. Esto se relaciona con su baja
capacidad para regularse metacognitivamente. Es por ello que en la última década
se ha incrementado el interés por desarrollar esta capacidad desde edades
tempranas. La presente investigación busca comprobar la eficacia de la guía de
entrenamiento EM3A para estimular el uso de estrategias metacognitivas en niños
de inicial 3 años. La guía cuenta con 5 capítulos trabajados en 26 sesiones. El diseño
de la investigación es cuasiexperimental con pre y post-test. La muestra está
conformada por 29 niños de inicial 3 años de una institución educativa privada, con
15 niños en el grupo experimental y 14 en el grupo control. El instrumento, creado
para la investigación, mide las estrategias de planificación, monitoreo y control.
Tras la aplicación, los resultados indican que la guía es parcialmente efectiva debido
que incrementa el uso de las estrategias de planificación y monitoreo. Sin embargo,
no evidencia cambios en las estrategias de control. Por consiguiente, se considera
que sólo los capítulos dedicados a las estrategias de planificación y monitoreo
pueden ser utilizados para estimular las estrategias metacognitivas.
Nowadays, schoolchildren experience difficulties to regulate their learning, having an impact on their performance. This is related to their low ability to metacognitively regulate themselves. That is why in the last decade the interest to develop this capacity from an early age has increased. The present research seeks to verify the efficacy of the EM3A training guide to stimulate the use of metacognitive strategies in a class with children of 3 years of age. The guide has 5 chapters that are worked on in 26 sessions. The design of the research is quasiexperimental with pre and post-test. The sample consists of 29 3-year old children of a private educational institution, with 15 children in the experimental group and 14 in the control group. The instrument, also created for this research, measures planning, monitoring, and control strategies. After the application, the results indicate that the guide is partially effective because it increases the use of planning and monitoring strategies. However, it does not reflect changes in control strategies. Therefore, it is considered that only the chapters devoted to planning and monitoring strategies can be used to stimulate metacognitive strategies.
Nowadays, schoolchildren experience difficulties to regulate their learning, having an impact on their performance. This is related to their low ability to metacognitively regulate themselves. That is why in the last decade the interest to develop this capacity from an early age has increased. The present research seeks to verify the efficacy of the EM3A training guide to stimulate the use of metacognitive strategies in a class with children of 3 years of age. The guide has 5 chapters that are worked on in 26 sessions. The design of the research is quasiexperimental with pre and post-test. The sample consists of 29 3-year old children of a private educational institution, with 15 children in the experimental group and 14 in the control group. The instrument, also created for this research, measures planning, monitoring, and control strategies. After the application, the results indicate that the guide is partially effective because it increases the use of planning and monitoring strategies. However, it does not reflect changes in control strategies. Therefore, it is considered that only the chapters devoted to planning and monitoring strategies can be used to stimulate metacognitive strategies.
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