La prescripción y la subsanación voluntaria como eximente de responsabilidad: contradicciones entre los procedimientos especiales y la norma común regulada en la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente artículo tiene por objetivo evaluar dos instituciones concretas del derecho administrativo que tienen como principal finalidad evitar que la entidad administrativa impute responsabilidad y sancione al administrado por la comisión de una conducta infractora: la prescripción y la subsanación voluntaria, analizando así su regulación tanto en la normativa general como también en la normativa especial dependiendo del sector correspondiente.
Este análisis permitirá demostrar que, efectivamente, existen determinados procedimientos administrativos sancionadores correspondientes a sectores especiales como por ejemplo, la normativa de INDECOPI – en relación a la prescripción – y la normativa de OSINERGMIN – en relación a la subsanación voluntaria como un supuesto que permite al administrado exonerarse de responsabilidad – que incumplen con lo regulado en la normativa común, esto es, la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General, incumpliendo así con respetar y adecuarse a las garantías mínimas que reconoce esta normativa común y que deben ser cumplidos – necesariamente – por la normativa especial.
En ese sentido, cualquier regulación especial dictada en los distintos sectores especiales deben ser dictados de conformidad con las garantías mínimas reconocidas en la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General, sin que se establezcan condiciones menos favorables en perjuicio del administrado; lo contrario significaría una contravención, principalmente, al principio de legalidad. Es por eso que, en estos casos, resulta necesario que la normativa especial realice una interpretación conforme a la normativa común.
The purpose of this article is to analyze two specific institutions of administrative law whose main purpose is to prevent the administration from imposing a sanction on the administered for the commission of an infringing conduct: the statute of limitations and voluntary correction, thus analyzing their regulation both in the general regulations and in the special regulations depending on the corresponding sector. This analysis will make it possible to demonstrate that there are indeed certain administrative sanctioning procedures corresponding to special sectors such as, for example, INDECOPI's regulations - in relation to the statute of limitations - and OSINERGMIN's regulations - in relation to the voluntary correction as an assumption that allows the party administered to exonerate itself from liability - that do not comply with the provisions of the common regulations, that is, the General Administrative Procedure Law, thus failing to respect and adapt to the minimum guarantees that this common regulation recognizes and that must be complied with - necessarily - by the special regulations. In this sense, any special regulation issued in the different special sectors must be issued in accordance with the minimum guarantees recognized in the General Administrative Procedure Law, without establishing less favorable conditions to the detriment of the administered party; otherwise, it would mean a contravention, mainly, of the principle of legality. That is why, in these cases, it is necessary for the special regulations to be interpreted in accordance with the common regulations.
The purpose of this article is to analyze two specific institutions of administrative law whose main purpose is to prevent the administration from imposing a sanction on the administered for the commission of an infringing conduct: the statute of limitations and voluntary correction, thus analyzing their regulation both in the general regulations and in the special regulations depending on the corresponding sector. This analysis will make it possible to demonstrate that there are indeed certain administrative sanctioning procedures corresponding to special sectors such as, for example, INDECOPI's regulations - in relation to the statute of limitations - and OSINERGMIN's regulations - in relation to the voluntary correction as an assumption that allows the party administered to exonerate itself from liability - that do not comply with the provisions of the common regulations, that is, the General Administrative Procedure Law, thus failing to respect and adapt to the minimum guarantees that this common regulation recognizes and that must be complied with - necessarily - by the special regulations. In this sense, any special regulation issued in the different special sectors must be issued in accordance with the minimum guarantees recognized in the General Administrative Procedure Law, without establishing less favorable conditions to the detriment of the administered party; otherwise, it would mean a contravention, mainly, of the principle of legality. That is why, in these cases, it is necessary for the special regulations to be interpreted in accordance with the common regulations.
Palabras clave
Prescripción (Derecho)--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Legislación--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Perú