Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución Nº 1537 -2021- SUNARP-TR
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el presente trabajo se va analizar la aplicación o inaplicación del artículo 19
in fine de la Ley de Comunidades Campesinas -cuota de género- en la directiva
comunal. Para ello, se tendrá que abordar y analizar la realidad específica de la
comunidad, la cantidad de comunera suscritas, la autonomía privada, los efectos
de un estado de acefalía de representación y los supuestos que justifican el
incumplimiento de una obligación.
El desarrollo del trabajo se centrará en la Resolución Nº 1537 -2021-SUNARPTR, la misma que nos brinda una oportunidad para discutir el conflicto surgido a
raíz de una solicitud de inscripción del nombramiento de una directiva comunal
y de la interpretación del Registrador respecto a la aplicación del artículo 19 in
fine, el cual, a su criterio, debe aplicarse de manera literal. No obstante, el
Tribunal Registral toma una postura contraria pero no tiene un mayor fundamento
como el que se reflexiona en la exposición de los problemas jurídicos de este
La resolución se ha estudiado bajo un enfoque crítico relacionada a la decisión
de cada instancia registral y la problemática sobre la inaplicación del artículo 19
in fine. De esta manera, se concluye que el Tribunal Registral si bien tuvo una
intención de salvaguardar la permanencia de la directiva comunal, no se observó
que tuviera un mayor sustento jurídico para tal decisión, la cual es la correcta,
pero pudo haber sumado otros argumentos que habrían dado lugar a una
posición más sólida y con un mejor sustento teórico.
This paper will analyze the application or non-application of article 19 in fine of the Law of Peasant Communities -gender quota- in the communal directive. For this purpose, the specific reality of the community, the number of subscribed communal members, the private autonomy, the effects of a state of lack of representation and the assumptions that justify the non-fulfillment of an obligation will have to be approached and analyzed. The development of this paper will focus on Resolution No. 1537 -2021- SUNARP-TR, which provides us with an opportunity to discuss the conflict arising from a request for registration of the appointment of a communal board of directors and the interpretation of the Registrar regarding the application of article 19 in fine, which, in his opinion, should be applied literally. However, the Registry Court takes a contrary position but does not have a greater basis as reflected in the exposition of the legal problems of this report. The resolution has been studied under a critical approach related to the decision of each registry instance and the problem of the non-application of article 19 in fine. In this way, it is concluded that although the Registry Court had the intention of safeguarding the permanence of the communal directive, it was not observed that it had a greater legal support for such decision, which is the correct one, but it could have added other arguments that would have given rise to a more solid and more solid position.
This paper will analyze the application or non-application of article 19 in fine of the Law of Peasant Communities -gender quota- in the communal directive. For this purpose, the specific reality of the community, the number of subscribed communal members, the private autonomy, the effects of a state of lack of representation and the assumptions that justify the non-fulfillment of an obligation will have to be approached and analyzed. The development of this paper will focus on Resolution No. 1537 -2021- SUNARP-TR, which provides us with an opportunity to discuss the conflict arising from a request for registration of the appointment of a communal board of directors and the interpretation of the Registrar regarding the application of article 19 in fine, which, in his opinion, should be applied literally. However, the Registry Court takes a contrary position but does not have a greater basis as reflected in the exposition of the legal problems of this report. The resolution has been studied under a critical approach related to the decision of each registry instance and the problem of the non-application of article 19 in fine. In this way, it is concluded that although the Registry Court had the intention of safeguarding the permanence of the communal directive, it was not observed that it had a greater legal support for such decision, which is the correct one, but it could have added other arguments that would have given rise to a more solid and more solid position.
Palabras clave
Comunidades campesinas--Aspectos legales--Perú, Derecho civil--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho registral--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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