Efectos de la identidad social en la generación de la publicidad boca a boca electrónica (eWOM) en las redes sociales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En los últimos años las redes sociales han sido consideradas como una de las principales
fuentes de información y de entretenimiento en la sociedad en general. Hoy en día, los
consumidores de una marca ocupan un rol activo a través de canales virtuales en los que
exponen de manera continua sus opiniones y comentarios cuando experimentan el consumo
de un producto o servicio en particular. El propósito del presente estudio fue la determinación
de la influencia de la Identidad Social sobre la generación de comentarios por parte de los
consumidores de una marca en la red social Facebook. Para el fin antes descrito se realizó
una investigación basada en el enfoque cuantitativo de tipo transversal la cual se basó en una
población de personas de ambos sexos con edades entre los 20 y los 50 años residentes en la
ciudad de Guayaquil los cuales pertenecen al segmento de la Población Económicamente
Activa (PEA) en el Ecuador. La muestra establecida fue de 301 personas a las cuales se
aplicó un instrumento que consideró preguntas relacionadas a las tres variables que
conforman el constructo de identidad social que son: Autoensalzamiento, Capital y Presencia
Social. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron que solamente existe un efecto de correlación
entre el Capital Social y la generación del eWOM en las redes sociales. Este hallazgo
permitirá a las empresas enfocar sus estrategia de marketing digital en la cercanía con
usuarios de redes sociales influyentes para promover la compartición de opiniones,
información y percepciones positivas que surjan luego de la experiencia de compra de un
producto o servicio activando una mayor participación por parte de la comunidad virtual en
vez de enfocarse en estrategias de motivación que satisfagan y eleven el nivel de autoestima
de los usuarios o la percepción de cercanía de los mismos.
In recent years, social networks have been considered as one of the main sources of information and entertainment in society in general. Today, consumers of a brand play an active role through virtual channels in which they continuously express their opinions and comments when they experience the consumption of a particular product or service. The purpose of the present study was to determine the influence of Social Identity on the generation of comments by consumers of a brand on Facebook´s social network. For the aforementioned purpose, an investigation based on a quantitative cross-sectional approach was carried out, which was based on a population of people of both sexes between the ages of 20 and 50 residing in the city of Guayaquil who belong to the segment of the Economically Active Population (PEA) in Ecuador. The sample established was 301 people to whom an instrument was applied that considered questions related to the three variables that make up the Social Identity construct, which are: self-enhancement, capital and social presence. The results obtained showed that there is only a correlation effect between social capital and the generation of eWOM on social networks. This finding will allow companies to focus their digital marketing strategy in close proximity with influential social network users to promote the sharing of opinions, information and positive perceptions that arise after the experience of buying a product or service, activating a greater participation by part of the virtual community instead of focusing on motivational strategies that satisfy and raise the level of self-esteem of the users or the perception of closeness of the same.
In recent years, social networks have been considered as one of the main sources of information and entertainment in society in general. Today, consumers of a brand play an active role through virtual channels in which they continuously express their opinions and comments when they experience the consumption of a particular product or service. The purpose of the present study was to determine the influence of Social Identity on the generation of comments by consumers of a brand on Facebook´s social network. For the aforementioned purpose, an investigation based on a quantitative cross-sectional approach was carried out, which was based on a population of people of both sexes between the ages of 20 and 50 residing in the city of Guayaquil who belong to the segment of the Economically Active Population (PEA) in Ecuador. The sample established was 301 people to whom an instrument was applied that considered questions related to the three variables that make up the Social Identity construct, which are: self-enhancement, capital and social presence. The results obtained showed that there is only a correlation effect between social capital and the generation of eWOM on social networks. This finding will allow companies to focus their digital marketing strategy in close proximity with influential social network users to promote the sharing of opinions, information and positive perceptions that arise after the experience of buying a product or service, activating a greater participation by part of the virtual community instead of focusing on motivational strategies that satisfy and raise the level of self-esteem of the users or the perception of closeness of the same.
Palabras clave
Comunidad virtual, Identidad social, Marketing digital, Redes sociales