El canto del allwakuy harawi como expresión musical de reparación psicológica de experiencias traumáticas generadas en contextos de conflicto armado interno y posconflicto en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta tesis estudia el allwakuy harawi como canto vivencial de tradición narrativa entonado
por pobladoras ayacuchanas durante el conflicto armado interno entre 1980-2000 y
posconflicto. Esta expresión musical cantada está en la memoria melódica colectiva y tiene
un significado cultural con un sentido emocional o pathos, relacionado con el sufrimiento y
profundo dolor, por la pérdida intempestiva de seres queridos, como el que experimentan
sus cantoras. El objetivo de la presente investigación consiste en analizar de qué manera el
canto del allwakuy harawi se constituye en una expresión musical con una función
equivalente a la reparación psicológica de experiencias traumáticas generadas en dichos
contextos. El trabajo se basa en el estudio del canto de seis pobladoras ayacuchanas tanto
en contexto de guerra interna como de posguerra, ya sea a partir de entrevistas, como de
fuentes mediales brindadas por la Defensoría del Pueblo. Para lograr tales objetivos se
realiza un abordaje interdisciplinario. Desde la musicología se aborda el harawi como
cultura, así como sus usos y funciones, de acuerdo a los postulados de Merriam, Nettl,
Cavero, Romero y Montoya, entre otros. En cuanto a lo musical el allwakuy harawi se
sustenta en la noción de modelo desarrollada por Simha Arom y otros. Los conceptos
psicológicos se fundamentan en la teoría psicoanalítica, de acuerdo a las ideas de Freud y
Klein desarrolladas por Segal, y recogidas por Laplanche y Pontalis, entre otros. Para
analizar cómo se da la reparación psicológica se relacionan las variaciones melódicas que
las cantoras realizan en su performance con la representación psíquica del trauma; la
narrativa con la representación-palabra; y el sentido emocional de la performance con la
función adaptativa. En el campo de la musicología no se han encontrado estudios que
hablen de un canto denominado allwakuy traducido como, aullar-se o lamentarse, o que
atribuyan de manera explícita una función de reparación psicológica a prácticas musicales
cantadas en contextos de guerra interna y posguerra. Por lo tanto, este trabajo se considera
pionero en el tema y resulta relevante en cuanto busca descubrir, reconocer y valorar
saberes más profundos de la cultura andina.
This thesis studies the allwakuy harawi as an experiential chant with a narrative tradition sung by women from Ayacucho, during the conflicto armado interno 1980-2000 and posconflicto. This chant is in the collective melodic memory and has a cultural meaning with a pathos, or feeling of deep sorrow and suffering related to the sudden loss of beloved relatives such as the women from Ayacucho experienced. The aim of this research is to analyze the way in which the chant of the allwakuy harawi becomes a musical experience, with a function equivalent to the psychological repair of traumatic experiences in those contexts. This work is based on the study of six women´s chants during internal war and postwar context, by means of interviews as well as audiovisual sources from the Defensoría del Pueblo. In musicology, the approach is to study the harawi as culture with its uses and functions, according to Merriam, Nettl, Cavero, Romero, Montoya and others. Concerning musical analysis, the allwakuy harawi is understood through the conceptual model developed by Simha Arom and others. The psychological concepts are based on the psychoanalytic theory by Freud and Klein, developed by Segal and collected by Laplanche y Pontalis and others. The main issue of this investigation is to analyze the psychological repair by relating the melodic variations made by the chanters with the psychic representation, the narrative with the word-representation and the emotional sense in the chanters’ performance with the adaptive function. In musicology there are no studies of chants like the allwakuy (translated as howl or lament) nor are there references to psychological repair functions assigned to vocal musical practices in war and postwar contexts. Therefore, this thesis is a pioneer of that topic and contributes to the discovery, acknowledgement and valuing of Andean cultural wisdom.
This thesis studies the allwakuy harawi as an experiential chant with a narrative tradition sung by women from Ayacucho, during the conflicto armado interno 1980-2000 and posconflicto. This chant is in the collective melodic memory and has a cultural meaning with a pathos, or feeling of deep sorrow and suffering related to the sudden loss of beloved relatives such as the women from Ayacucho experienced. The aim of this research is to analyze the way in which the chant of the allwakuy harawi becomes a musical experience, with a function equivalent to the psychological repair of traumatic experiences in those contexts. This work is based on the study of six women´s chants during internal war and postwar context, by means of interviews as well as audiovisual sources from the Defensoría del Pueblo. In musicology, the approach is to study the harawi as culture with its uses and functions, according to Merriam, Nettl, Cavero, Romero, Montoya and others. Concerning musical analysis, the allwakuy harawi is understood through the conceptual model developed by Simha Arom and others. The psychological concepts are based on the psychoanalytic theory by Freud and Klein, developed by Segal and collected by Laplanche y Pontalis and others. The main issue of this investigation is to analyze the psychological repair by relating the melodic variations made by the chanters with the psychic representation, the narrative with the word-representation and the emotional sense in the chanters’ performance with the adaptive function. In musicology there are no studies of chants like the allwakuy (translated as howl or lament) nor are there references to psychological repair functions assigned to vocal musical practices in war and postwar contexts. Therefore, this thesis is a pioneer of that topic and contributes to the discovery, acknowledgement and valuing of Andean cultural wisdom.
Palabras clave
Cultura andina--Perú--Ayacucho, Música andina--Perú--Ayacucho, Poesía quechua--Perú--Ayacucho, Trauma psíquico
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