Efectos del Programa Fonojuego para desarrollar la conciencia fonológica en niños de 5 años de edad en una institución estatal de distrito de SJL
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Ante la realidad que viven los maestros en las aulas, al tener estudiantes que
no logran desarrollar la conciencia fonológica y a pesar de aplicar diversas
estrategias, no se logran los resultados esperados. Es preciso abordar esta
problemática desde un enfoque cognitivo para entender los problemas de lectura.
Por ello, la presente investigación tiene por objetivo evaluar los efectos del
Programa Fonojuego para desarrollar la conciencia fonológica. La población está
conformada por 35 alumnos de 5 años de una institución educativa estatal de distrito
de S.J.L. Esta se aborda desde el enfoque cuantitativo y la metodología sigue un
diseño cuasi - experimental, en el cual se utiliza dos instrumentos: Programa
Fonojuego que favorece el desarrollo de los componentes de la conciencia
fonológica a través de sesiones; y el PECO (Prueba para la evaluación del
conocimiento fonológico) que evalúa el nivel de conocimiento fonológico de tipo
silábico y fonémico de los niños de 5 años de edad. La conclusión a la cual se llega
determina si el Programa Fonojuego, mejora significativamente la conciencia
fonológica, corroborando la hipótesis planteada.
Faced with the reality that teachers live in the classroom, having students who fail to develop phonological awareness and despite applying various strategies, the expected results are not achieved. It is necessary to approach this problem from a cognitive approach to understand reading problems. Therefore, the present research aims to evaluate the effects of the Fonogame Program to develop phonological awareness. The population consists of 35 students of 5 years of a state educational institution district S.J.L. This is approached from the quantitative approach and the methodology follows a quasi - experimental design, in which two instruments are used: Fonogame program that favors the development of the components of phonological awareness through sessions; and the CEEC (Test for the evaluation of phonological knowledge) that evaluates the level of phonological knowledge of syllabic and phonemic type of children of 5 years of age. The conclusion reached determines whether the Fonogame Program significantly improves phonological awareness, corroborating the hypothesis proposed.
Faced with the reality that teachers live in the classroom, having students who fail to develop phonological awareness and despite applying various strategies, the expected results are not achieved. It is necessary to approach this problem from a cognitive approach to understand reading problems. Therefore, the present research aims to evaluate the effects of the Fonogame Program to develop phonological awareness. The population consists of 35 students of 5 years of a state educational institution district S.J.L. This is approached from the quantitative approach and the methodology follows a quasi - experimental design, in which two instruments are used: Fonogame program that favors the development of the components of phonological awareness through sessions; and the CEEC (Test for the evaluation of phonological knowledge) that evaluates the level of phonological knowledge of syllabic and phonemic type of children of 5 years of age. The conclusion reached determines whether the Fonogame Program significantly improves phonological awareness, corroborating the hypothesis proposed.
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