Informe jurídico sobre la Casación No. 4795-2018 : Interpretación jurídica y fuentes del derecho en el ordenamiento jurídico tributario: Análisis respecto de la Casación No. 4795-2018
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico versa sobre el análisis de la Casación No. 4795-2018
en la cual se plantea la controversia respecto de la infracción normativa de la
Norma III y Norma VIII del Código Tributario vinculada a la interpretación del
artículo 41 de la Ley de Impuesto a la Renta toda vez que se incluyen a las
comisiones por operaciones de financiamiento en el concepto de ‘interés’. En
ese sentido, el análisis para dilucidar aquello se basa en comprender qué se
entiende por fuentes del derecho, cómo se constituyen las fuentes del derecho
tributario, cuáles son los métodos de interpretación jurídica, sus resultados y la
aplicación de los mismos teniendo en cuenta el paradigma actual que es el
Estado Constitucional de Derecho.
This legal report deals with the analysis of Cassation No. 4795-2018 in which the controversy arises regarding the normative infringement of Rule III and Rule VIII of the Tax Code related to the interpretation of Article 41 of the Income Tax Law since commissions for financing operations are included in the concept of 'interest'. In this sense, the analysis to elucidate this is based on understanding what is understood by sources of law, how the sources of tax law are constituted, which are the methods of legal interpretation, their results and their application considering the current paradigm which is the Constitutional State of Law.
This legal report deals with the analysis of Cassation No. 4795-2018 in which the controversy arises regarding the normative infringement of Rule III and Rule VIII of the Tax Code related to the interpretation of Article 41 of the Income Tax Law since commissions for financing operations are included in the concept of 'interest'. In this sense, the analysis to elucidate this is based on understanding what is understood by sources of law, how the sources of tax law are constituted, which are the methods of legal interpretation, their results and their application considering the current paradigm which is the Constitutional State of Law.
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