El desconocimiento del paradero y la ausencia del lugar de residencia como causales de inadmisión de la declaración sumarial del “testigo-colaborador eficaz”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La lectura de la declaración sumarial del “testigo-colaborador eficaz” es un
procedimiento excepcional del juicio oral sujeto a las causales previstas en los literales
c) y d) del numeral 1 del artículo 383 del Código Procesal Penal. Al respecto, en esta
investigación sostengo que el desconocimiento del paradero y la ausencia del lugar de
residencia, pese a estar contempladas en el precepto procesal antes citado, son
inaplicables sobre el “testigo-colaborador eficaz”, ya que afectan los derechos a
contrainterrogar y la regla de prueba plenaria de los delatados. Por lo anterior, considero
inadmisible la lectura de la declaración sumarial del “testigo-colaborador eficaz”
amparada en dichas circunstancias. Adicionalmente, estimo inaplicable la sentencia Al
Khawaja y Tahery vs. Reino Unido en esta discusión. Finalmente, expongo las
consecuencias prácticas de la postura defendida.
Reading statements of an absent "plea-bargaining witness" is an exceptional procedure of the trial according to the grounds stipulated in letters c) and d) of numeral 1 of article 383 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. In this paper, I argue that the lack of knowledge of the witness' whereabouts and the absence of the place of residence, despite being contemplated in the aforementioned procedural precept, are inapplicable to the "pleabargaining witness", since they affect the rights to cross-examine and the rule of plenary evidence granted to the accused. Therefore, I consider inadmissible reading statements of an absent "plea-bargaining witness" under such circumstances. I also consider inapplicable the Al Khawaja and Tahery v. Reino Unido judgment in this debate. Finally, I explain the practical consequences of the view I have defended.
Reading statements of an absent "plea-bargaining witness" is an exceptional procedure of the trial according to the grounds stipulated in letters c) and d) of numeral 1 of article 383 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. In this paper, I argue that the lack of knowledge of the witness' whereabouts and the absence of the place of residence, despite being contemplated in the aforementioned procedural precept, are inapplicable to the "pleabargaining witness", since they affect the rights to cross-examine and the rule of plenary evidence granted to the accused. Therefore, I consider inadmissible reading statements of an absent "plea-bargaining witness" under such circumstances. I also consider inapplicable the Al Khawaja and Tahery v. Reino Unido judgment in this debate. Finally, I explain the practical consequences of the view I have defended.
Palabras clave
Derecho procesal penal--Perú, Crimen organizado--Perú, Procedimiento penal--Perú
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