La autoeficacia docente en la práctica pedagógica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tiene como finalidad, en primer lugar, examinar la relación entre la
autoeficacia del docente y la calidad del manejo de aula en su práctica pedagógica,
teniendo en cuenta el auto reporte del maestro y el reporte de los estudiantes. En
segundo lugar, hacer una comparación entre una escuela mixta privada y una escuela
mixta pública, ambas del distrito de Chorrillos. Para ello, se aplicaron dos escalas a 38
docentes y una a 401 alumnos de ambas instituciones. Se utilizó la Escala de Eficacia
Percibida de los Maestros (Tschannen-Moran y Woolfolk, 2001), para evaluar la
autoeficacia docente en los maestros y la Escala del Modelo Instruccional de Situación
Educativa-MISE de Rivas, Descals y Gómez-Artiga (2003), para evaluar la calidad del
manejo de aula en la práctica pedagógica. Esta última contaba con dos versiones, una
para docentes y otra para los estudiantes. Los resultados indicaron que los docentes
que poseen un mayor sentido de autoeficacia reportaron también un mejor manejo de
aula en su práctica pedagógica. Asimismo, los docentes, tanto del colegio público
como del privado, evaluaron mejor la calidad de su manejo de aula de lo que lo
hicieron sus propios estudiantes. En cuanto a la comparación entre ambas
instituciones, se encontraron diferencias siendo que los docentes de la institución
privada se autoevaluaron como más eficaces que los docentes de la institución
pública. Finalmente, se encontró, que aspectos como, los años de docencia en
general, haber obtenido el título profesional en educación y el género, no tuvieron
relación significativa con la forma en que los docentes se autoevalúan a sí mismos y
con el reporte de la calidad del manejo de aula en su práctica pedagógica.
Palabras claves: Autoeficacia, Autoeficacia docente, Calidad de la práctica
pedagógica, Calidad del manejo de aula.
The present study aimed first, to examine the relation between teachers’ self-report of self-efficacy with the self-report of their quality of classroom management. Secondly, to compare the results between mixed private and public schools, both located in the district of Chorrillos, Lima, Peru. The Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (Tschannen- Moran and Woolfolk, 2001) and the Instructional Model of Educational Setting scale - MISE (Rivas, Descals and Gómez-Artiga, 2003) were applied to 38 teachers. The student version of the MISE was also applied to 401 students. Results showed that teachers, who have a higher sense of self-efficacy, also reported better quality of classroom management in their teaching practice. In addition, teachers from both institutions, private and public, evaluated their own classroom management significantly better than what their own students did. A comparison between both institutions showed that different reasons explain why private school teachers believe themselves to have a higher sense of self-efficacy than public school teachers. Finally, and regarding Peru’s educational system, variables such as, total number of teaching years, having obtained an education degree, and gender, had no significant relation with how teachers evaluate themselves on self-efficacy as well as on the quality of their classroom management in their teaching practice. Key words: Self-efficacy, Teachers’ self-efficacy, Quality of Teaching practices, Quality of classroom management.
The present study aimed first, to examine the relation between teachers’ self-report of self-efficacy with the self-report of their quality of classroom management. Secondly, to compare the results between mixed private and public schools, both located in the district of Chorrillos, Lima, Peru. The Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale (Tschannen- Moran and Woolfolk, 2001) and the Instructional Model of Educational Setting scale - MISE (Rivas, Descals and Gómez-Artiga, 2003) were applied to 38 teachers. The student version of the MISE was also applied to 401 students. Results showed that teachers, who have a higher sense of self-efficacy, also reported better quality of classroom management in their teaching practice. In addition, teachers from both institutions, private and public, evaluated their own classroom management significantly better than what their own students did. A comparison between both institutions showed that different reasons explain why private school teachers believe themselves to have a higher sense of self-efficacy than public school teachers. Finally, and regarding Peru’s educational system, variables such as, total number of teaching years, having obtained an education degree, and gender, had no significant relation with how teachers evaluate themselves on self-efficacy as well as on the quality of their classroom management in their teaching practice. Key words: Self-efficacy, Teachers’ self-efficacy, Quality of Teaching practices, Quality of classroom management.
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