La vulneración del principio de congruencia como causal de anulación de laudo en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo académico tiene por objetivo determinar los alcances del control
judicial que los tribunales peruanos pueden ejercer, en vía de anulación de laudo, frente
a vulneraciones al principio de congruencia en sede arbitral.
La primera sección de este trabajo académico contiene el marco teórico sobre las
instituciones procesales vinculadas al principio de congruencia y al arbitraje en el Perú.
La segunda sección, por su parte, desarrolla el análisis crítico del autor respecto de las
posibilidades de tutelar, en vía de anulación de laudo, las diversas afectaciones al
principio de congruencia.
A partir de lo explorado, el autor concluye que, en gran medida, las diversas vulneraciones
al principio de congruencia constituyen causales de anulación de laudo bajo el amparo
del artículo 63.1.d) de la Ley de Arbitraje.
The purpose of this academic paper is to determine the scope of the judicial control that Peruvian courts may exercise, by way of annulment of the award, against violations of the principle of congruence in arbitration. The first section of this academic work contains the theoretical framework on the procedural law concepts related to the principle of consistency and arbitration in Peru. The second section, on the other hand, develops the author's critical analysis of the possibilities of protecting, by way of annulment of the award, the various affectations to the principle of congruence. Based on what has been explored, the author concludes that the various violations of the principle of consistency constitute grounds for annulment of the award under Peruvian law and case law.
The purpose of this academic paper is to determine the scope of the judicial control that Peruvian courts may exercise, by way of annulment of the award, against violations of the principle of congruence in arbitration. The first section of this academic work contains the theoretical framework on the procedural law concepts related to the principle of consistency and arbitration in Peru. The second section, on the other hand, develops the author's critical analysis of the possibilities of protecting, by way of annulment of the award, the various affectations to the principle of congruence. Based on what has been explored, the author concludes that the various violations of the principle of consistency constitute grounds for annulment of the award under Peruvian law and case law.
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