La (supuesta) obsolescencia del Contrato Administrativo regulado por la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado frente a la irrupción del Contrato de Estándar internacional NEC para la ejecución de obras públicas en el Perú: ¿Resulta justificado este cambio?
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El devenir actual en la ejecución de obras públicas en nuestro país advierte el
crecimiento de una tendencia bastante interesante en lo que respecta a qué
marco contractual se decide emplear para esta actividad: por un lado, tenemos
al clásico Contrato Administrativo, regulado por normas públicas con larga
trayectoria y de usual utilización, como es la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado.
En contraposición lo anterior, la utilización de contratos de estándares
internacionales para la construcción, como son los NEC, se ha popularizado
estos últimos años, siendo empleados para la ejecución de proyectos de
infraestructura pública de diversos tipos, situación que irrumpió a partir de la
ejecución de las obras de los Juegos Panamericanos y Parapanamericanos del
año 2019.
Tomando en consideración lo hasta ahora expuesto, es oportuno preguntarnos
¿Resulta justificado ese cambio de tendencia para el provecho de la obras
públicas en nuestro país?, ¿Esta transición del Contrato Administrativo (regulada
por la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado) al contrato privado (específicamente el
tipo NEC) resulta beneficiosa para la ejecución de obras públicas en nuestra
coyuntura?, ¿El Contrato Administrativo en nuestro país ha evidenciado
inutilidad y/u obsolescencia para la ejecución de obras públicas frente a marcos
contractuales de derecho privado (como es el Contrato NEC)?
El presente trabajo de investigación buscar dar respuesta a esas y otras
preguntas, con el objetivo de clarificar si un tipo contractual resulta ser mejor que
otro (ya sea en todo o en parte) para la ejecución de obras públicas en el Perú.
The current evolution in the execution of public works in our country shows the growth of a very interesting trend as regards the contractual framework that is decided to be used for this activity: on the one hand, we have the classic administrative contract, regulated by public regulations with a long history and of usual use, such as the Government Procurement Law. In contrast to the above, the use of international standard contracts for construction, such as the NEC, has become popular in recent years, being used for the execution of public infrastructure projects of various types, a situation that burst into the execution of the works for the Pan American and Parapan American Games in 2019. Taking into consideration the above, it is appropriate to ask ourselves: Is this change of trend justified for the benefit of public works in our country? Is this transition from the administrative contract (regulated by the Government Procurement Law) to the private contract (specifically the NEC type) beneficial for the execution of public works in our situation? Has the administrative contract in our country shown its uselessness and/or obsolescence for the execution of public works compared to private law contractual frameworks (such as the NEC Contract)? This research work seeks to answer these and other questions, with the objective of clarifying whether one type of contract is better than another (either in whole or in part) for the execution of public works in Peru.
The current evolution in the execution of public works in our country shows the growth of a very interesting trend as regards the contractual framework that is decided to be used for this activity: on the one hand, we have the classic administrative contract, regulated by public regulations with a long history and of usual use, such as the Government Procurement Law. In contrast to the above, the use of international standard contracts for construction, such as the NEC, has become popular in recent years, being used for the execution of public infrastructure projects of various types, a situation that burst into the execution of the works for the Pan American and Parapan American Games in 2019. Taking into consideration the above, it is appropriate to ask ourselves: Is this change of trend justified for the benefit of public works in our country? Is this transition from the administrative contract (regulated by the Government Procurement Law) to the private contract (specifically the NEC type) beneficial for the execution of public works in our situation? Has the administrative contract in our country shown its uselessness and/or obsolescence for the execution of public works compared to private law contractual frameworks (such as the NEC Contract)? This research work seeks to answer these and other questions, with the objective of clarifying whether one type of contract is better than another (either in whole or in part) for the execution of public works in Peru.
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