Estudio de caso de un niño de 5 años 1 mes con dificultades en el proceso comprensivo y expresivo del lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El dominio del lenguaje es un factor fundamental en el desarrollo de la personalidad del niño, ya que le permite
expresarse, relacionarse e integrarse con su entorno familiar, escolar y social. Sin embargo, en la actualidad
existen niños con dificultades en el proceso de comprensión y expresión, las cuales determinan el avance
favorable o adverso en la capacidad del aprendizaje. El objetivo del estudio de este caso es diseñar un plan
de valoración e intervención a un niño de 5 años 1 mes, con afectación en los componentes léxico semántico,
morfosintáctico, fonético fonológico, con la finalidad de ayudar acrecentar y fortalecer las habilidades
lingüísticas. Las dificultades en el proceso comprensivo y expresivo es una brecha cronológica en el desarrollo
del lenguaje, cuyas características son: presencia de alteraciones léxicas semánticas, fonológicas y
morfosintácticas. Se sigue el modelo hibrido donde se utiliza estímulos lingüísticos no solo para responder al
niño sino para modelar las formas lingüísticas a través de estrategias en actividades lúdicas propuestas y
dirigidas por el adulto. Los resultados de la intervención demuestran un incremento en el vocabulario
comprensivo y expresivo de las categorías planificadas, en la compresión de preguntas literales, asociación
categorial, estructuración de oraciones simples del tipo sujeto+ verbo+ objeto, además en los procesos
fonológicos a nivel de la estructura de la sílaba y la palabra. Se concluye que el plan de intervención aplicado
en el niño logra fortalecer sus habilidades lingüísticas en los componentes léxico semántico, morfosintáctico y
fonético fonológico favoreciendo su interacción con su medio familiar, escolar y social.
The mastery of language is a fundamental factor in the development of the child's personality, since it allows him to express himself, relate and integrate with his family, school and social environment. However, currently there are children with difficulties in the process of understanding and expression, which determine the favorable or adverse progress in learning ability. The objective of this case is to design an assessment and intervention plan for a child of 5 years and 1 month, affecting the lexical-semantic, morphosyntactic, phonetic-phonetic components, in order to help increase and strengthen language skills. Difficulties in the comprehensive and expressive process is a chronological gap in language development, whose characteristics are: presence of phonological and morphosyntactic lexical alterations. The hybrid model is followed where linguistic stimuli are used not only to respond to the child but to model the linguistic forms through strategies in playful activities proposed and directed by the adult. The results of the intervention show an increase in the comprehensive and expressive vocabulary of the planned categories, in the compression of literal questions, categorical association, structuring of simple sentences such as subject + verb + object, as well as in the phonological processes at the level of the syllable and word structure. In conclusion, the intervention plan applied in the child manages to strengthen their linguistic skills in the lexicalsemantic, morphosyntactic and phonetic-phonological components, benefits his interaction with his family, school and social environment.
The mastery of language is a fundamental factor in the development of the child's personality, since it allows him to express himself, relate and integrate with his family, school and social environment. However, currently there are children with difficulties in the process of understanding and expression, which determine the favorable or adverse progress in learning ability. The objective of this case is to design an assessment and intervention plan for a child of 5 years and 1 month, affecting the lexical-semantic, morphosyntactic, phonetic-phonetic components, in order to help increase and strengthen language skills. Difficulties in the comprehensive and expressive process is a chronological gap in language development, whose characteristics are: presence of phonological and morphosyntactic lexical alterations. The hybrid model is followed where linguistic stimuli are used not only to respond to the child but to model the linguistic forms through strategies in playful activities proposed and directed by the adult. The results of the intervention show an increase in the comprehensive and expressive vocabulary of the planned categories, in the compression of literal questions, categorical association, structuring of simple sentences such as subject + verb + object, as well as in the phonological processes at the level of the syllable and word structure. In conclusion, the intervention plan applied in the child manages to strengthen their linguistic skills in the lexicalsemantic, morphosyntactic and phonetic-phonological components, benefits his interaction with his family, school and social environment.