Abordando la discriminación y el trato ilícito diferenciado en el marco de una relación de consumo: un análisis del cambio de criterio del Indecopi sobre esta materia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El cambio de criterio del Indecopi en relación con la discriminación en el consumo y el trato ilícito adquiere
una importancia significativa en el contexto de la protección del consumidor y la promoción de prácticas
comerciales éticas y justas en nuestro país. Este cambio de perspectiva es una transformación esencial en
la forma en que se abordan las prácticas discriminatorias y el trato ilícito en una sociedad en constante
evolución. Antes del cambio de criterio, se mantenía una distinción implícita entre la discriminación en el
consumo y el trato ilícito diferenciado. Esta distinción se basaba en la interpretación del artículo 38 de la Ley
29571 que prohibía ambas prácticas. Sin embargo, esta separación generaba confusión y complicaciones en los procedimientos legales debido a diferencias en la interpretación de la ley.
El 24 de julio de 2019, todo cambió con la emisión de la Resolución Nº 2025-2019/SPC-INDECOPI. Esta resolución postuló que la discriminación en el consumo era la única conducta infractora, eliminando la
categoría del trato diferenciado ilícito. Según esta nueva interpretación, cualquier trato desigual no justificado objetivamente se considera un acto discriminatorio, independientemente de la causa que origine esta diferencia.
Este cambio de perspectiva ha influido en decisiones posteriores del Indecopi, manteniendo una uniformidad
de criterio y aplicando esta nueva interpretación. Como resultado, se ha redefinido la manera en que se abordan estas cuestiones, promoviendo un enfoque más claro y contundente en la protección de los
derechos de los consumidores y la promoción de prácticas comerciales éticas en el Perú.
The INDECOPI's change of criteria regarding discrimination in consumption and unlawful differentiation takes on significant importance in the context of consumer protection and the promotion of ethical and fair business practices in our country. This shift in perspective represents an essential transformation in how discriminatory practices and unlawful differentiation are addressed in an ever-evolving society. Prior to this change, there was an implicit distinction between discrimination in consumption and unlawful differentiation, based on the interpretation of Article 38, which prohibits both practices. However, this separation led to confusion and legal complications due to differences in the interpretation of the law. Everything changed on July 24, 2019, with the issuance of Resolution No. 2025-2019/SPC-INDECOPI. This resolution posited that discrimination in consumption was the sole infringing type, eliminating the category of unlawful differentiation. According to this new interpretation, any unjustifiably unequal treatment is considered a discriminatory act, regardless of the cause behind such differentiation. This shift in perspective has influenced subsequent decisions by INDECOPI, maintaining a uniform criterion and applying this new interpretation. As a result, the way these issues are addressed has been redefined, promoting a clearer and more resolute approach to protecting consumers' rights and fostering ethical business practices in Peru.
The INDECOPI's change of criteria regarding discrimination in consumption and unlawful differentiation takes on significant importance in the context of consumer protection and the promotion of ethical and fair business practices in our country. This shift in perspective represents an essential transformation in how discriminatory practices and unlawful differentiation are addressed in an ever-evolving society. Prior to this change, there was an implicit distinction between discrimination in consumption and unlawful differentiation, based on the interpretation of Article 38, which prohibits both practices. However, this separation led to confusion and legal complications due to differences in the interpretation of the law. Everything changed on July 24, 2019, with the issuance of Resolution No. 2025-2019/SPC-INDECOPI. This resolution posited that discrimination in consumption was the sole infringing type, eliminating the category of unlawful differentiation. According to this new interpretation, any unjustifiably unequal treatment is considered a discriminatory act, regardless of the cause behind such differentiation. This shift in perspective has influenced subsequent decisions by INDECOPI, maintaining a uniform criterion and applying this new interpretation. As a result, the way these issues are addressed has been redefined, promoting a clearer and more resolute approach to protecting consumers' rights and fostering ethical business practices in Peru.