Mineralogy of the lithium-rich tuff in The Macusani Volcanic Field, cordillera oriental, southern Peru
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El litio es un metal de gran importancia económica y una materia prima clave para la
transición energética desde una generación de energía basada en combustibles fósiles
hacia una basada en fuentes renovables. En este sentido, el descubrimiento de nuevos
yacimientos de litio es fundamental para abastecer la creciente demanda de este metal.
La compañía Macusani Yellowcake, subsidiaria de American Lithium, anunció un
importante recurso que asciende a 0,9 Mt Li en el Proyecto de Litio Falchani, en el Campo
Volcánico de Macusani, Puno, SE Perú. El recurso está alojado en tobas volcánicas y
brechas neógenas pertenecientes a la Formación Macusani. Con contenidos de Li que
oscilan entre ~2000 y 4000 ppm, la unidad denominada Lithium-rich Tuff contiene el
principal recurso. En esta tesis se ha realizado una caracterización mineralógica general
y de alta resolución de muestras de Lithium-rich Tuff utilizando difracción de rayos X
(XRD), microscopía electrónica de barrido con espectroscopía de rayos X de energía
dispersiva (SEM-EDS) y microscopía electrónica de transmisión (TEM).
Las muestras estudiadas están compuestas por cuarzo, plagioclasa, feldespato potásico,
micas trioctaédricas (zinnwaldita y lepidolita), minerales del subgrupo de la caolinita y
esmectitas (montmorillonita - beidellita), además de zeolitas (mordenita y mutinaita) y
cristobalita en algunas muestras. Los contenidos más altos de Li (3000-4200 ppm Li) se
encuentran en la porción central de la secuencia del Lithium-rich Tuff, que se caracteriza
por contener micas + caolinita ± mordenita. En los dominios superior e inferior de la
secuencia, los contenidos de Li alcanzan valores de 2000 ppm y la mineralogía está
dominada por mica + esmectita dioctaédrica ± caolinita ± halloysita.
La integración de estos datos con resultados de ensayos metalúrgicos proporcionados por
Macusani Yellowcake respalda que, además de en micas trioctaédricas primarias, parte
del Li en el Proyecto de Litio Falchani puede estar adsorbido o en posiciones
interlaminares de minerales arcillosos secundarios. Se descarta la existencia de arcillas
con Li tipo hectorita. Estos datos permiten una clasificación tentativa del proyecto de litio
de Falchani como un depósito volcanogénico ‘mixto’ mica primaria – minerales
secundarios de arcilla.
Lithium is a metal with high economic importance and a key raw material to the energetic transition from carbon fuels to renewable energy sources. In this sense, exploring and discovering new lithium deposits is essential to supply the growing demand for this element. A major lithium resource amounting to 0.9 Mt was announced by Macusani Yellowcake – American Lithium in the Falchani Lithium Project, Macusani Volcanic Field, Puno, SE Peru. The resource is hosted by Neogene volcanic tuff and breccia of the Macusani Formation. With Li contents ranging between ~2,000 to 4,000 ppm, the so-called Lithium-rich Tuff hosts the main resource. In this thesis, a general and high-resolution mineralogical characterization of samples from the Lithium-rich Tuff has been performed using X-Ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive Xray spectroscopy (SEM–EDS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The studied samples comprise quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, trioctahedral micas (zinnwaldite and lepidolite), kaolinite-subgroup minerals, and smectites (montmorillonite – beidellite), in addition to zeolites (mordenite, and mutinaite) and cristobalite in a few samples. The highest Li contents (3,000-4,200 ppm Li) are found in the central portion of the Lithium-rich Tuff sequence, which is characterized by micas + kaolinite subgroup minerals ± mordenite. In the upper and lower domains of the tuff sequence, Li contents reach values of 2,000 ppm, and the mineralogy is dominated by mica + dioctahedral smectite ± kaolinite ± halloysite. The integration of these data with metallurgical assay results reported by Macusani Yellowcake supports that, in addition to magmatic trioctahedral micas, Li in the Falchani Lithium Project may be in part adsorbed onto and/or occupy interlaminar positions in secondary clay minerals. The occurrence of clays with Li such as hectorite is discarded. These data allow a tentative classification of the Falchani Lithium Project as a ‘mixed’ primary mica– secondary clay volcanogenic deposit.
Lithium is a metal with high economic importance and a key raw material to the energetic transition from carbon fuels to renewable energy sources. In this sense, exploring and discovering new lithium deposits is essential to supply the growing demand for this element. A major lithium resource amounting to 0.9 Mt was announced by Macusani Yellowcake – American Lithium in the Falchani Lithium Project, Macusani Volcanic Field, Puno, SE Peru. The resource is hosted by Neogene volcanic tuff and breccia of the Macusani Formation. With Li contents ranging between ~2,000 to 4,000 ppm, the so-called Lithium-rich Tuff hosts the main resource. In this thesis, a general and high-resolution mineralogical characterization of samples from the Lithium-rich Tuff has been performed using X-Ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive Xray spectroscopy (SEM–EDS), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The studied samples comprise quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, trioctahedral micas (zinnwaldite and lepidolite), kaolinite-subgroup minerals, and smectites (montmorillonite – beidellite), in addition to zeolites (mordenite, and mutinaite) and cristobalite in a few samples. The highest Li contents (3,000-4,200 ppm Li) are found in the central portion of the Lithium-rich Tuff sequence, which is characterized by micas + kaolinite subgroup minerals ± mordenite. In the upper and lower domains of the tuff sequence, Li contents reach values of 2,000 ppm, and the mineralogy is dominated by mica + dioctahedral smectite ± kaolinite ± halloysite. The integration of these data with metallurgical assay results reported by Macusani Yellowcake supports that, in addition to magmatic trioctahedral micas, Li in the Falchani Lithium Project may be in part adsorbed onto and/or occupy interlaminar positions in secondary clay minerals. The occurrence of clays with Li such as hectorite is discarded. These data allow a tentative classification of the Falchani Lithium Project as a ‘mixed’ primary mica– secondary clay volcanogenic deposit.
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