Determinación del nivel de beneficios sociales generados con las inversiones del PRONATEL
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Estado Peruano ha venido impulsando el desarrollo de un conjunto de proyectos de
alcance nacional y regional para incrementar la oferta de servicios portadores y, con
ello, posibilitar una mayor provisión de servicios finales como el de Acceso a Internet
para favorecer a los pobladores de zonas rurales y de preferente interés social.
Al respecto, resulta importante conocer si estos proyectos vienen generando los
beneficios sociales proyectados en los estudios de preinversión que justificaron la
implementación de estos. En esa línea, en el presente trabajo de investigación se han
analizado tres de los proyectos regionales que ya se encuentran en su periodo de
En primer lugar, se han revisado los estudios de preinversión para conocer la magnitud
de los beneficios sociales esperados. Por otro lado, se ha identificado a los grupos de
pobladores impactados con la puesta en operación de las redes, y se han asignado y
cuantificado los beneficios sociales que les corresponden.
Posteriormente, se han comparado los montos de beneficios sociales de los estudios de
preinversión con los calculados en el presente trabajo de investigación, y se ha revisado
el cambio en la rentabilidad de los proyectos. Se concluye que, para los tres proyectos
analizados, los montos difieren en una proporción mayor al 95% siendo que los estudios
de preinversión estimaron cantidades de beneficios sociales muy elevadas.
Finalmente, se realizó un análisis cualitativo de las posibles causas que explicarían las
diferencias y se plantearon recomendaciones para incrementar el beneficio derivado de
la implementación de los proyectos.
The Peruvian State has been promoting the development of a set of projects of national and regional scope to increase the supply of carrier services and, with this, enable a greater provision of final services such as Internet Access to favor the inhabitants of rural areas and of preferential social interest. In this regard, it is important to know if these projects are generating the social benefits projected in the pre-investment studies that justified the implementation of these. In this line, in the present research work three of the regional projects that are already in their period of operation have been analyzed. First, pre-investment studies have been reviewed to determine the magnitude of the expected social benefits. On the other hand, the groups of residents impacted by the implementation of the networks have been identified, and the social benefits to which they are entitled have been allocated and quantified. Subsequently, the amounts of social benefits of the pre-investment studies have been compared with those calculated in the present research work, and the change in project profitability has been reviewed. It is concluded that, for the three projects analyzed, the amounts differ in a proportion greater than 95% and that the pre-investment studies estimated very high amounts of social benefits. Finally, a qualitative analysis of the possible causes that would explain the differences was carried out and recommendations were made to increase the benefit derived from the implementation of the projects.
The Peruvian State has been promoting the development of a set of projects of national and regional scope to increase the supply of carrier services and, with this, enable a greater provision of final services such as Internet Access to favor the inhabitants of rural areas and of preferential social interest. In this regard, it is important to know if these projects are generating the social benefits projected in the pre-investment studies that justified the implementation of these. In this line, in the present research work three of the regional projects that are already in their period of operation have been analyzed. First, pre-investment studies have been reviewed to determine the magnitude of the expected social benefits. On the other hand, the groups of residents impacted by the implementation of the networks have been identified, and the social benefits to which they are entitled have been allocated and quantified. Subsequently, the amounts of social benefits of the pre-investment studies have been compared with those calculated in the present research work, and the change in project profitability has been reviewed. It is concluded that, for the three projects analyzed, the amounts differ in a proportion greater than 95% and that the pre-investment studies estimated very high amounts of social benefits. Finally, a qualitative analysis of the possible causes that would explain the differences was carried out and recommendations were made to increase the benefit derived from the implementation of the projects.