¿Y después de la universidad, qué? : las experiencias educativas y laborales de jóvenes rurales universitarios y su influencia en la configuración de sus proyectos profesionales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
A pesar de que la presencia de los jóvenes de origen rural en el espacio
universitario no es reciente en el país, su presencia ha sido muchas veces
invisibilizada y disociada de la educación superior. Sin embargo, en el marco de
una mayor oferta universitaria al interior de las regiones y los desafíos que
afrontan los universitarios frente al mercado laboral profesional, resulta
importante visibilizar la presencia esta población entre los nuevos perfiles de
estudiantes, a modo de comprender la diversidad de sus experiencias y el
desarrollo de sus proyectos futuros.
En este escenario, los jóvenes rurales son estudiantes, pero también jóvenes
que pertenecen a un contexto sociocultural donde construyen su autonomía en
el marco de responsabilidades, intereses y motivaciones. Así son sujetos
diversos, cuyas experiencias provienen de diferentes esferas significativas que
sobrepasan el contexto universitario. En ello, durante la universidad, los jóvenes
desarrollan experiencias educativas como laborales interconectadas que les
permiten generar expectativas y evaluar las oportunidades sobre el ejercicio
profesional futuro.
Sobre estas consideraciones, resulta importante visibilizar a los jóvenes rurales
universitarios y retomar la discusión sobre los fines de la educación superior y
los proyectos de vida de los jóvenes. Esto es importante en el marco de las
mayores dificultades laborales que afrontan los estudiantes que egresan de las
universidades. Con este propósito, esta investigación se enfoca en analizar a
partir de las experiencias educativas y laborales durante la universidad, la
configuración de los proyectos profesionales de los jóvenes rurales hacia el final
de la carrera.
De los hallazgos se identifica que el tránsito por la universidad involucra un
proceso de adaptación complejo donde los jóvenes construyen diversas
experiencias que influyen la configuración de sus proyectos profesionales. Dichos proyectos ponen en foco la inserción laboral y pueden orientarse hacia la
intención de continuar especializándose, desarrollar una ruta empresarial o
desarrollar una ruta laboral dependiente. De ello, la construcción del proyecto se
desarrolla en base a expectativas alrededor del trabajo y las posibilidades del
ejercicio profesional tanto dentro como fuera del espacio local.
Despite the fact that the presence of young people of rural origin in the university space is not recent in Perú, their presence has often been invisible and dissociated from higher education. However, in the contexts of the expansion of university offer and the challenges faced by university students in the professional labor market, it is important to make the presence of this population visible among new student profiles, in order to understand the diversity of their experiences and the development of their future projects. In this scenario, rural youth are students, but also young people who belong to a sociocultural context where they build their autonomy around responsibilities, interests and motivations. Young rural people are diverse actors, whose experiences come from different significant spheres that go beyond the university context. In this, during university, young people develop interconnected educational and work experiences that allow them to generate expectations and evaluate opportunities for future professional practice. Regarding these considerations, it is important to make young rural university students visible and to take up the discussion on the purposes of higher education and the life projects of young people. This is important in the context of the greater labor difficulties faced by students who graduate from universities. With this purpose, this research focuses on analyzing, from the educational and work experiences during the university, the configuration of the professional projects of rural youth towards the end of the career. From the findings, it is identified that the transit through the university involves a complex adaptation process where young people build various experiences that influence the configuration of their professional projects. These projects focus on job placement and can be oriented towards the intention of continuing to specialize, develop a business path or develop a dependent employment path. From this, the construction of the project is developed based on expectations around the work and the possibilities of professional practice both inside and outside the local space.
Despite the fact that the presence of young people of rural origin in the university space is not recent in Perú, their presence has often been invisible and dissociated from higher education. However, in the contexts of the expansion of university offer and the challenges faced by university students in the professional labor market, it is important to make the presence of this population visible among new student profiles, in order to understand the diversity of their experiences and the development of their future projects. In this scenario, rural youth are students, but also young people who belong to a sociocultural context where they build their autonomy around responsibilities, interests and motivations. Young rural people are diverse actors, whose experiences come from different significant spheres that go beyond the university context. In this, during university, young people develop interconnected educational and work experiences that allow them to generate expectations and evaluate opportunities for future professional practice. Regarding these considerations, it is important to make young rural university students visible and to take up the discussion on the purposes of higher education and the life projects of young people. This is important in the context of the greater labor difficulties faced by students who graduate from universities. With this purpose, this research focuses on analyzing, from the educational and work experiences during the university, the configuration of the professional projects of rural youth towards the end of the career. From the findings, it is identified that the transit through the university involves a complex adaptation process where young people build various experiences that influence the configuration of their professional projects. These projects focus on job placement and can be oriented towards the intention of continuing to specialize, develop a business path or develop a dependent employment path. From this, the construction of the project is developed based on expectations around the work and the possibilities of professional practice both inside and outside the local space.
Palabras clave
Graduados universitarios--Empleo--Perú, Juventud rural--Perú, Educación superior--Perú
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