Experiencias de terapeutas y padres en el uso de herramientas tecnológicas en las sesiones virtuales de terapia de lenguaje en tiempo de pandemia, 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo describir las experiencias de los
terapeutas y padres sobre el uso de herramientas tecnológicas en las sesiones virtuales de
terapia de lenguaje en este tiempo de pandemia. Es una investigación descriptiva-observacional
y el diseño de investigación es de tipo descriptivo.
Para la realización de la investigación se aplicó dos cuestionarios, el primero a 13
terapeutas de lenguaje del Centro Peruano de Audición, Lenguaje y Aprendizaje (CPAL) y el
segundo a 24 padres de familia de niños que reciben teleterapia de lenguaje.
Los resultados determinaron que desde la perspectiva de los terapeutas la realización
de la telepráctica resultó productiva con sus respectivas ventajas y desventajas. Los aspectos
positivos que se encontraron fue la posibilidad de continuar las terapias con los pacientes que
ya venían con un plan de intervención, anterior a la pandemia, por la vía virtual. En cuanto a
las desventajas tanto para los terapeutas como padres de familia, se encontró que no todos los
pacientes pudieron continuar con esta modalidad virtual debido a su edad y características
propias de su diagnóstico. De otra parte, para los padres de familia resultó ventajoso conectarse
virtualmente a las terapias ahorrando de este modo, el tiempo de traslado de su menor hijo al
centro de terapias y la posibilidad de continuarlas haciendo uso de los dispositivos
tecnológicos. Finalmente, una de las desventajas que mencionaron, tanto terapeutas como
padres de familia fue la limitación que tenían los niños en cuanto a las relaciones sociales.
This research aims to describe the experiences of therapists and parents on the use of technological tools in virtual sessions of language therapy during the situation of confinement. It is descriptive-observational research and the research design is descriptive. To carry out the research, two questionnaires were applied, the first to 13 language therapists from the Centro Peruano de Audición, Lenguaje y Aprendizaje (CPAL) and the second to 24 parents of children receiving language teletherapy. The results determined that from the perspective of the therapists, the realization of telepractice was productive with its respective advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects that were found was the possibility of continuing therapies with patients who already came with an intervention plan, prior to the pandemic, through virtual means. Regarding the disadvantages for both therapists and parents, it was found that not all patients were able to continue with this virtual modality due to their age and the characteristics of their diagnosis. On the other hand, for the parents it was advantageous to connect virtually to the therapies, thus saving the time of transfer of their minor child to the therapy center and the possibility of continuing them using technological devices. Finally, one of the disadvantages that both therapists and parents mentioned was the limitation that children had in terms of social relationships.
This research aims to describe the experiences of therapists and parents on the use of technological tools in virtual sessions of language therapy during the situation of confinement. It is descriptive-observational research and the research design is descriptive. To carry out the research, two questionnaires were applied, the first to 13 language therapists from the Centro Peruano de Audición, Lenguaje y Aprendizaje (CPAL) and the second to 24 parents of children receiving language teletherapy. The results determined that from the perspective of the therapists, the realization of telepractice was productive with its respective advantages and disadvantages. The positive aspects that were found was the possibility of continuing therapies with patients who already came with an intervention plan, prior to the pandemic, through virtual means. Regarding the disadvantages for both therapists and parents, it was found that not all patients were able to continue with this virtual modality due to their age and the characteristics of their diagnosis. On the other hand, for the parents it was advantageous to connect virtually to the therapies, thus saving the time of transfer of their minor child to the therapy center and the possibility of continuing them using technological devices. Finally, one of the disadvantages that both therapists and parents mentioned was the limitation that children had in terms of social relationships.
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