Análisis del impacto de la implementación de la NIIF 16 arrendamientos en los estados financieros de las empresas del sector de lácteos supervisadas por la Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores en el periodo 2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
EL IASB y FASB llevan muchos años tratando de reducir las brechas entre
las normas contables, como consecuencia de este proceso de
armonización, se emite la NIIF 16 Arrendamientos. Esta nueva norma trae
cambios sustanciales para la contabilidad del arrendatario,
específicamente para los arrendamientos operativos. De aquí nace la
importancia en realizar un trabajo de investigación de este tema; asimismo
se considera importante investigarlo, debido a que es una norma que ha
entrado en vigor recién en el 2019 y todavía no se han desarrollado trabajos
de investigación del impacto de la norma en todos los sectores de la
economía peruana. Además, las industrias de alimentos, en la que está
incluido el sector de lácteos poseen una gran cantidad de arrendamientos
operativos, los cuales no estaban incluidos dentro del estado de situación
financiera con la NIC 17 Arrendamientos. El objetivo de la investigación es
analizar si la implementación de la NIIF 16 Arrendamientos ha originado un
impacto financiero en los estados financieros de las empresas del sector
de lácteos supervisadas por la SMV. La hipótesis principal es determinar si
la implementación de la NIIF 16 Arrendamientos ha originado cambios en
la presentación de los estados financieros de las empresas mencionadas.
Se espera que esta investigación sea de utilidad para cualquier profesional
contable, así como para los interesados en realizar una investigación sobre
el tema. La metodología de la investigación es cualitativa; el nivel es
descriptiva, explicativa y analítica debido a que se recolecta información
para poder describir un impacto en el sector de lácteos; para lograr este
propósito se recolectó información de fuentes bibliográficas, normas
contables, artículos profesionales y se usaron hojas de cálculo de Excel
para poder cuantificar los impactos. Finalmente, se concluye que la
implementación de la NIIF 16 Arrendamientos ha tenido impacto en las
empresas del sector lácteos debido a que ha generado cambios en la
presentación de sus estados financieros en el 2019.
The IASB and FASB have been trying for many years to reduce the gaps between accounting standards, as a consequence of this harmonization process, IFRS 16 Leases is issued. This new standard brings substantial changes for lessee accounting, specifically for operating leases. From this arises the importance of conducting a research work on this topic; it is also considered important to investigate it, because it is a standard that has entered into force only in 2019 and research work on the impact of the standard in all sectors of the Peruvian economy has not yet been developed. In addition, food industries, in which the dairy sector is included, have a large number of operating leases, which were not included in the statement of financial position under IAS 17 Leases. The objective of the research is to analyze whether the implementation of IFRS 16 Leases has had a financial impact on the financial statements of companies in the dairy sector supervised by the SMV. The main hypothesis is to determine whether the implementation of IFRS 16 Leases has caused changes in the presentation of the financial statements of the aforementioned companies. It is expected that this research will be useful for any accounting professional, as well as for those interested in conducting research on the subject. The research methodology is qualitative; the level is descriptive, explanatory and analytical because information is collected to describe an impact on the dairy sector; to achieve this purpose, information was collected from bibliographic sources, accounting standards, professional articles and Excel spreadsheets were used to quantify the impacts. Finally, it is concluded that the implementation of IFRS 16 Leases has had an impact on companies in the dairy sector because it has generated changes in the presentation of their financial statements in 2019.
The IASB and FASB have been trying for many years to reduce the gaps between accounting standards, as a consequence of this harmonization process, IFRS 16 Leases is issued. This new standard brings substantial changes for lessee accounting, specifically for operating leases. From this arises the importance of conducting a research work on this topic; it is also considered important to investigate it, because it is a standard that has entered into force only in 2019 and research work on the impact of the standard in all sectors of the Peruvian economy has not yet been developed. In addition, food industries, in which the dairy sector is included, have a large number of operating leases, which were not included in the statement of financial position under IAS 17 Leases. The objective of the research is to analyze whether the implementation of IFRS 16 Leases has had a financial impact on the financial statements of companies in the dairy sector supervised by the SMV. The main hypothesis is to determine whether the implementation of IFRS 16 Leases has caused changes in the presentation of the financial statements of the aforementioned companies. It is expected that this research will be useful for any accounting professional, as well as for those interested in conducting research on the subject. The research methodology is qualitative; the level is descriptive, explanatory and analytical because information is collected to describe an impact on the dairy sector; to achieve this purpose, information was collected from bibliographic sources, accounting standards, professional articles and Excel spreadsheets were used to quantify the impacts. Finally, it is concluded that the implementation of IFRS 16 Leases has had an impact on companies in the dairy sector because it has generated changes in the presentation of their financial statements in 2019.
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