La responsabilidad solidaria de las empresas envasadoras de Gas Licuado de Petróleo (GLP) al emitir certificados de conformidad a favor de locales de venta
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tendrá como finalidad analizar el régimen jurídico,
alcances e implicancias de la responsabilidad solidaria por parte de las empresas
envasadoras de Gas Licuado de Petróleo (en adelante, “GLP”) al ser las emisoras de
los certificados de conformidad para Locales de Venta.
La autoridad administrativa, con el fin de asegurar las condiciones de seguridad de los
Locales de venta, introdujo una serie de disposiciones específicas, entre ellas, la
responsabilidad solidaria por parte de las empresas envasadoras de GLP (las mismas
que se encargan de suministrar de cilindros de GLP a los Locales de Venta), ante el
incumplimiento de condiciones de seguridad y/o técnicas por parte del agente que opere
el establecimiento. De esta manera, la forma en la que la Autoridad Administrativa ha
dispuesto su rol supervisor es en el trasladado de dicha obligación a las empresas
envasadoras, emisores de certificados de conformidad frente al Local de Venta que
comercialice los cilindros de su propiedad, de realizar inspecciones anuales en campo
y garantizar el cumplimiento legal de referidos establecimientos, bajo apercibimiento de
iniciar el procedimiento administrativo sancionador a la empresa envasadora.
En ese sentido, se analizará el rol ejercido por parte del Organismo Regulador, desde
la labor de policía, fiscalización, actividad administrativa de limitación, y determinar si la
figura de responsabilidad solidaria cumple a cabalidad con los principios de culpabilidad,
debido procedimiento, causalidad, razonabilidad; a la vez, determinar si esto constituye
una transgresión de los derechos patrimoniales de las empresas envasadoras,
afectando el mercado del GLP minorista y mayorista.
Finalmente, se propone de manera justificada que el único encargado de fiscalizar a los
Locales de Venta, en el cumplimiento de la normativa de seguridad en armonía con el
bien común y la seguridad pública, debe recaer en el Organismo Regulador.
The purpose of this research work will be analyze the legal regime and implications of joint liability on the part of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (hereinafter, “LPG”) bottling companies. The authority introduce a series of specific provisions, like joint liability on the part of the LPG bottling companies (the same ones in charge of supplying LPG cylinders to the Sales Premises). The Administrative Authority has transferred the obligation to packaging companies, issuers of certificates of conformity to the Sales Premises that market the cylinders they own, to carry out annual field inspections and guarantee legal compliance of said establishments, under warning to initiate the administrative sanctioning procedure against the packaging company. In this sense, the role played by authority will be analyzed, from the work of police, inspection, administrative activity of limitation, and determine if the figure of joint liability fully complies with the principles of guilt, due procedure, causality; at the same time, determine if this means a transgression of the economic rights of the bottling companies, affecting the retail and LPG market. Finally, it is proposed that the sole person in charge of supervising the Sales Premises, in compliance with safety regulations in harmony with the common good and public safety.
The purpose of this research work will be analyze the legal regime and implications of joint liability on the part of the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (hereinafter, “LPG”) bottling companies. The authority introduce a series of specific provisions, like joint liability on the part of the LPG bottling companies (the same ones in charge of supplying LPG cylinders to the Sales Premises). The Administrative Authority has transferred the obligation to packaging companies, issuers of certificates of conformity to the Sales Premises that market the cylinders they own, to carry out annual field inspections and guarantee legal compliance of said establishments, under warning to initiate the administrative sanctioning procedure against the packaging company. In this sense, the role played by authority will be analyzed, from the work of police, inspection, administrative activity of limitation, and determine if the figure of joint liability fully complies with the principles of guilt, due procedure, causality; at the same time, determine if this means a transgression of the economic rights of the bottling companies, affecting the retail and LPG market. Finally, it is proposed that the sole person in charge of supervising the Sales Premises, in compliance with safety regulations in harmony with the common good and public safety.
Palabras clave
Gas licuado de petróleo--Envasado--Perú, Gas licuado de petróleo--Medidas de seguridad--Perú, Ventas--Perú