Representaciones sociales que se hacen los estudiantes de diferentes niveles escolares de la relación entre la lectura y la escritura.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio describe y analiza las Representaciones Sociales (RS)
que se hacen los estudiantes sobre la relación de la lectura y la escritura. Es una
investigación de tipo cuanti-cualitativo descriptivo; se realizó la construcción,
organización y análisis de datos que fueron recogidos mediante dos técnicas: la
entrevista semi-estructurada y el cuestionario. Debido al tipo de investigación, se
establecieron dos muestras. Con respecto a lo cuantitativo, se consideró una
población - muestra conformada por 168 estudiantes, 66 estudiantes de sexto
grado de primaria, 60 estudiantes de tercer año de secundaria y 42 estudiantes de
quinto año de secundaria del Centro Educativo Particular San José de Cluny –
Surquillo; para lo cualitativo, se utilizó una muestra de 6 estudiantes, 2 estudiantes
de sexto grado de primaria, 2 estudiantes de tercer año de secundaria y 2 estudiantes de quinto año de secundaria del mismo centro. Los instrumentos
empleados en nuestra investigación fueron: el cuestionario para la entrevista semiestructurada,
que nos permitió la recogida de datos cualitativos y; el cuestionario
de las RS de la relación entre la lectura y la escritura para la obtención de los
datos cuantitativos, el mismo que fue validado y de mostró su confiabilidad.
Los resultados obtenidos en el análisis cualitativo, nos permitieron
establecer las categorías que conforman el sistema de las Representaciones
Sociales de la relación entre la lectura y la escritura, éstos indican que los
estudiantes perciben más los efectos positivos de la lectura sobre la escritura, que
los de la escritura sobre la lectura. En cuanto a las prácticas, se estableció que los
estudiantes las realizan diariamente en actividades dentro o fuera del colegio; y
que existe una mayor actitud positiva a la lectura que a la escritura.
Asimismo, los resultados del análisis cuantitativo muestran que no existe
diferencia significativa en las RS que se hacen los estudiantes en relación a los
Efectos de la lectura sobre la escritura, ni en las RS de los estudiantes en cuanto a
sus Prácticas. También obtuvimos que a menor año de estudio las categorías:
Efectos de la escritura sobre la lectura, Semejanzas, RS de la lectura y la escritura
y Actitudes, son más significativas. La variable género no es un factor
determinante en la construcción de una RS.
Este estudio brinda las pautas necesarias para beneficiar a cada uno de los
estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje y tener presente las implicaciones de los efectos que puede tener la lectura sobre la escritura, como también la escritura
sobre la lectura.
Esta investigación nos muestra la necesidad de implementar proyectos, con
propuestas que consideren las Representaciones Sociales que se hacen los
estudiantes sobre la relación de la lectura y la escritura debido a su incidencia en
la práctica de las mismas.
The following study analyses and describes social representations (SR) that students have about the connection between reading and writing. This research is considered to be both: a quantitative and qualitative descriptive paper since its organization and analysis were built using data collected by using two common techniques such as a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Due to the type of research, two samples were established. Regarding the quantitative one; a sample of 168 students were considered (66 students in sixth grade of primary, 60 students in third grade of secondary and 42 students in fifth grade of secondary level), concerning about the qualitative sample, 6 students were involved (2 students in sixth grade of primary, 2 students in third grade of secondary and 2 students in fifth grade of secondary level). All were students of San Jose de Cluny School located in Surquillo, Lima. The qualitative data was collected with the questionnaire for the semistructured interview whilst the quantitative data was collected with the questionnaire of the SR about the connection between reading and writing. The results give us very detailed information about each of the categories worked in this thesis. They also show that students perceive more the positive effects that reading has on writing than the ones that writing has on reading. Indeed, the paper proves the validity and reliability of the questionnaire of the SR about the connection between reading and writing. This study allowed us recognize that there is no difference in the SR that students have about the effects that reading has on writing or about the SR of students regarding their practice. It was also determined that the lower the school grade is the more meaningful the categories are. These categories are: effects of writing on reading, similarities, SR of the reading and writ ing and attitudes. The gender is not a determining factor in the construction of a SR. It is important for educators to be aware of the implications of the effects that reading has on writing and writing on reading so they can provide students with the necessary guidelines to enhance their learning process. This research show us the need to introduce projects with suggestions that consider the social representations that students have about the relationship between reading and writing based on their own practice
The following study analyses and describes social representations (SR) that students have about the connection between reading and writing. This research is considered to be both: a quantitative and qualitative descriptive paper since its organization and analysis were built using data collected by using two common techniques such as a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. Due to the type of research, two samples were established. Regarding the quantitative one; a sample of 168 students were considered (66 students in sixth grade of primary, 60 students in third grade of secondary and 42 students in fifth grade of secondary level), concerning about the qualitative sample, 6 students were involved (2 students in sixth grade of primary, 2 students in third grade of secondary and 2 students in fifth grade of secondary level). All were students of San Jose de Cluny School located in Surquillo, Lima. The qualitative data was collected with the questionnaire for the semistructured interview whilst the quantitative data was collected with the questionnaire of the SR about the connection between reading and writing. The results give us very detailed information about each of the categories worked in this thesis. They also show that students perceive more the positive effects that reading has on writing than the ones that writing has on reading. Indeed, the paper proves the validity and reliability of the questionnaire of the SR about the connection between reading and writing. This study allowed us recognize that there is no difference in the SR that students have about the effects that reading has on writing or about the SR of students regarding their practice. It was also determined that the lower the school grade is the more meaningful the categories are. These categories are: effects of writing on reading, similarities, SR of the reading and writ ing and attitudes. The gender is not a determining factor in the construction of a SR. It is important for educators to be aware of the implications of the effects that reading has on writing and writing on reading so they can provide students with the necessary guidelines to enhance their learning process. This research show us the need to introduce projects with suggestions that consider the social representations that students have about the relationship between reading and writing based on their own practice
Palabras clave
Representaciones sociales., Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Secundaria)., Escritura--Estudio y enseñanza (Secundaria).
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