Reforzamiento de la Gestión Empresarial Minera en prevención de Conflictos Sociales, incluyendo variables de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y Valor Compartido
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación busca reforzar la gestión de proyectos mineros
implementando alternativas basados en responsabilidad social empresarial y valor compartido
para gestionar adecuadamente la conflictividad social en la evaluación de proyectos. Para
ello, la metodología utilizada es cualitativa, basado en estudio de casos relacionados a la
minería peruana, tales como el proyecto Tía Maria de Southern Copper Corporation y la
planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de Cerro Verde, ambas en la región de Arequipa,
pero con resultados diferentes. De acuerdo con las pérdidas económicas, humanas debido a
paralizaciones y protestas por conflictos sociales no resueltos adecuadamente, este trabajo
toma importancia dado que contribuye con conocimiento y una diferenciación de casos que
brinda el estudio.
En el desarrollo del trabajo se realiza una revisión de conceptos relacionados al tema de
investigación con el fin de poder entender las variables que deben ser incluidas en la
evaluación de un proyecto minero, esto con la finalidad de poder demostrar la necesidad y
preocupación que debe tener el estado y la empresa privada en la gestión de prevención de
conflictos sociales. Estas variables, relacionadas con percepciones, costumbres deben ser
analizadas específicamente para cada zona de operación, ya que se ha demostrado que, en el
país, las regiones no responden de manera similar a la actividad minera. Asimismo, relevante
revisar el impacto económico que tiene la actividad para el país y para la región donde se
desarrolle la actividad. El entendimiento de estas variables reforzará, por lo tanto, la
aplicabilidad de una adecuada gestión de proyectos incluyendo dentro de sí, conceptos de
responsabilidad social empresarial y valor compartido con el objetivo de mejorar y optimizar
las decisiones del negocio minero.
Como resultado importante, se verificó que las empresas mineras tienen una política interna
alineada a la responsabilidad social corporativa de su casa matriz, sin embargo, en la práctica,
estos no son adecuadamente aplicados, por lo que se enfatiza normalmente en los indicadores
de producción y no se prioriza la posibilidad de generar desarrollo en la zona de operación.
En este sentido y analizando la función pasiva del estado para resolver este tipo de
situaciones, este trabajo de investigación se centra en la gestión empresarial, con la finalidad
de prevenir conflictividad social, dada la necesidad de continuar con el desarrollo económico
y reconociendo la importancia que tiene la minería en el país.
This research work seeks to reinforce the management of mining projects by implementing alternatives based on Corporate Social Responsibility and Shared Value to adequately manage social conflict in the evaluation of projects. For this, the methodology used is quantitative, based on case studies related to Peruvian Mining, such as the Tía Maria project of Southern Copper Corporation and the Cerro Verde Wastewater Treatment Plant, both in the Arequipa region, but with different results. According to the economic and human losses due to stoppages and protests due to social conflicts not adequately resolved, this work takes on importance since it contributes with knowledge and a differentiation of cases that the study provides. In the progress of the work, a review of concepts related to the research topic is carried out in order to understand the variables that should be included in the evaluation of a mining project, this in order to be able to demonstrate the need and concern that it should have the state and private companies in the management of prevention of social conflicts. These variables, related to perceptions, customs, must be analyzed specifically for each area of operation, since it has been shown that, in the country, the regions do not respond in a similar way to mining activity. Likewise, it is relevant to review the economic impact of the activity for the country and for the region where the activity takes place. The understanding of these variables will therefore reinforce the applicability of an adequate project management including within itself, concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility and Shared Value with the aim of improving and optimizing the decisions of the mining business. As an important result, it was verified that mining companies have an internal policy aligned with sustainable development, however, in practice, these are not adequately applied, which is why production indicators are normally emphasized and the possibility of generate sustainable development in the area of operation. In this sense and analyzing the passive function of the state to resolve this type of situations, this research work focuses on business management, in order to prevent social conflict, given the need to continue with economic development and recognizing the importance that has mining in the country.
This research work seeks to reinforce the management of mining projects by implementing alternatives based on Corporate Social Responsibility and Shared Value to adequately manage social conflict in the evaluation of projects. For this, the methodology used is quantitative, based on case studies related to Peruvian Mining, such as the Tía Maria project of Southern Copper Corporation and the Cerro Verde Wastewater Treatment Plant, both in the Arequipa region, but with different results. According to the economic and human losses due to stoppages and protests due to social conflicts not adequately resolved, this work takes on importance since it contributes with knowledge and a differentiation of cases that the study provides. In the progress of the work, a review of concepts related to the research topic is carried out in order to understand the variables that should be included in the evaluation of a mining project, this in order to be able to demonstrate the need and concern that it should have the state and private companies in the management of prevention of social conflicts. These variables, related to perceptions, customs, must be analyzed specifically for each area of operation, since it has been shown that, in the country, the regions do not respond in a similar way to mining activity. Likewise, it is relevant to review the economic impact of the activity for the country and for the region where the activity takes place. The understanding of these variables will therefore reinforce the applicability of an adequate project management including within itself, concepts of Corporate Social Responsibility and Shared Value with the aim of improving and optimizing the decisions of the mining business. As an important result, it was verified that mining companies have an internal policy aligned with sustainable development, however, in practice, these are not adequately applied, which is why production indicators are normally emphasized and the possibility of generate sustainable development in the area of operation. In this sense and analyzing the passive function of the state to resolve this type of situations, this research work focuses on business management, in order to prevent social conflict, given the need to continue with economic development and recognizing the importance that has mining in the country.
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