Informe Jurídico sobre la Sentencia Nº 676/2020 tramitada bajo Expediente Nº 01739-2018-PA/TC, Caso Óscar Ugarteche
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe analiza los votos singulares que declararon improcedente la
demanda de amparo interpuesta por el señor Óscar Ugarteche Galarza en contra
del Registro Nacional de Identificación y Estado Civil (Reniec). De ahí que, la
presente investigación pretende determinar que la ausencia del reconocimiento
del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo por parte del Tribunal
Constitucional, atenta contra las obligaciones internacionales consagradas en la
Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos. Para tal fin, se realizará un
estudio de la regulación de las instituciones jurídicas del matrimonio y de la
familia, a partir de la teoría holística metodológica; la tesis de la Supremacía de
la Constitución; el principio de unidad de la Constitución; la jurisprudencia del
Tribunal Constitucional; el bloque e interpretación convencional; y, la perspectiva
de género en la regulación del matrimonio. Cabe señalar que, esta investigación
busca evidenciar que, el Tribunal Constitucional al no reconocer el matrimonio
entre personas del mismo sexo, vulnera los derechos a la igualdad y no
discriminación, y al libre desarrollo de la personalidad de las parejas
homosexuales. Por último, este informe concluye que el pronunciamiento del
Tribunal Constitucional, perpetúa los estereotipos de género y la discriminación
estructural que padece la población LGBTIQ+ en el Perú.
This report analyzes the singular votes that declared inadmissible the amparo lawsuit filed by Mr. Óscar Ugarteche Galarza against the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec). Therefore, this research aims to determine that the absence of recognition of same-sex marriage by the Constitutional Court violates the international obligations enshrined in the American Convention on Human Rights. To this end, a study of the regulation of the legal institutions of marriage and the family will be carried out, based on the holistic methodological theory; the thesis of the Supremacy of the Constitution; the principle of unity of the Constitution; the case law of the Constitutional Court; the conventional block and interpretation; and the gender perspective in the regulation of marriage. It should be noted that this research seeks to demonstrate that, by not recognizing same-sex marriage, the Constitutional Court violates the rights to equality and non-discrimination, and the free development of the personality of same-sex couples. Finally, this report concludes that the pronouncement of the Constitutional Court perpetuates gender stereotypes and structural discrimination suffered by the LGBTIQ+ population in Peru.
This report analyzes the singular votes that declared inadmissible the amparo lawsuit filed by Mr. Óscar Ugarteche Galarza against the National Registry of Identification and Civil Status (Reniec). Therefore, this research aims to determine that the absence of recognition of same-sex marriage by the Constitutional Court violates the international obligations enshrined in the American Convention on Human Rights. To this end, a study of the regulation of the legal institutions of marriage and the family will be carried out, based on the holistic methodological theory; the thesis of the Supremacy of the Constitution; the principle of unity of the Constitution; the case law of the Constitutional Court; the conventional block and interpretation; and the gender perspective in the regulation of marriage. It should be noted that this research seeks to demonstrate that, by not recognizing same-sex marriage, the Constitutional Court violates the rights to equality and non-discrimination, and the free development of the personality of same-sex couples. Finally, this report concludes that the pronouncement of the Constitutional Court perpetuates gender stereotypes and structural discrimination suffered by the LGBTIQ+ population in Peru.
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