Efectividad del Programa “Te cuento que…” en la producción de textos de estudiantes de 3° grado de primaria de una Institución educativa privada de Miraflores
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la efectividad del programa
“Te cuento que…” en la producción de textos de niños de 3º grado de primaria
pertenecientes a una institución educativa privada en Miraflores, Lima Metropolitana.
Se utilizó el método cuantitativo de tipo explicativo con diseño cuasi experimental. La
muestra fue de 51 estudiantes de ambos sexos, entre 8 y 9 años, que cursan el 3º grado
de primaria. El instrumento para medir la variable dependiente “producción de textos”
fue la prueba PROESC de Cuetos, Ramos y Ruano (2004); y, la variable independiente
fue el programa de intervención “Te cuento que …” de Cuba, Valladares y Varillas
(2018). En la aplicación del pre test, los resultados de ambos grupos fueron similares, lo que
demostraba la homogeneidad de ambos grupos en cuanto a producción de textos, tanto
narrativo (cuento) como informativo (redacción). En el post test, los resultados del grupo
experimental fueron significativamente superiores que los del grupo control en los dos tipos de
textos. Por lo tanto, se concluye que la aplicación del programa “Te cuento que…”
mejoró significativamente el nivel de producción de textos en estudiantes de 3º grado
de primaria de una institución educativa privada de Miraflores.
The objective of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the "Te cuento que ..." program in the production by 3rd grade children’s texts belonging to a private educational institution in Miraflores, Metropolitan Lima. The quantitative method of explanatory type with quasi-experimental design was used. The sample was 51 3rd graders of both sexes, between 8 and 9 years old. The instrument to measure the dependent variable "text production" was the PROESC of Cuetos, Ramos and Ruano (2004); and, the variable was the intervention program "Te cuento que ..." from Cuba, Valladares and Varillas (2018). In the application of the pre test, the results of both groups were similar, which demonstrated the homogeneity of both groups in terms of both narrative (short story) and expository (writing) texts. In the post test, the results of the experimental group were significantly better than those of the control group in the two types of texts. Therefore, the application of the program "Te cuento que ..." significantly improved the level of text production in 3rd grade students of a private educational institution in Miraflores.
The objective of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the "Te cuento que ..." program in the production by 3rd grade children’s texts belonging to a private educational institution in Miraflores, Metropolitan Lima. The quantitative method of explanatory type with quasi-experimental design was used. The sample was 51 3rd graders of both sexes, between 8 and 9 years old. The instrument to measure the dependent variable "text production" was the PROESC of Cuetos, Ramos and Ruano (2004); and, the variable was the intervention program "Te cuento que ..." from Cuba, Valladares and Varillas (2018). In the application of the pre test, the results of both groups were similar, which demonstrated the homogeneity of both groups in terms of both narrative (short story) and expository (writing) texts. In the post test, the results of the experimental group were significantly better than those of the control group in the two types of texts. Therefore, the application of the program "Te cuento que ..." significantly improved the level of text production in 3rd grade students of a private educational institution in Miraflores.
Palabras clave
Textos escolares, Educación primaria--Perú--Miraflores (Lima : Distrito), Escritura--Estudio y enseñanza primaria, Escritura (Educación primaria)
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