Análisis de los factores que explican el éxito de la Cooperativa Agraria Norandino en el desarrollo de los productores agrarios de la región Piura al 2022
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación identifica los factores que explican el éxito de la Cooperativa Agraria
Norandino Ltda., en el desarrollo de sus productores agrarios de la región Piura, desde
sus inicios hasta el 2022, analizando la articulación de los principios del comercio justo, la
participación de los socios y las competencias desarrolladas en los colaboradores. Desde
una óptica de la Gerencia Social se pretende conocer los factores clave en la organización,
exportación y su impacto en el desarrollo de sus productores agrarios; apoyándonos en
los enfoques de desarrollo humano, desarrollo territorial, y crecimiento económico
sostenido, inclusivo y sostenible. Se utilizó la investigación cualitativa, entrevistando a
directivos, socios, colaboradores y funcionarios relacionados con aquella. Encontramos
que la valoración de los productores, la cultura andina de trabajo duro, las competencias
de los colaboradores y la respuesta cooperativa a la expectativa de los socios explican
dicho éxito. Los factores que se desprenden son: fomenta el aprendizaje, internaliza los
principios del comercio justo, utiliza prácticas agrícolas sostenibles, valorar el trabajo del
productor, una cultura de liderazgo; asimismo, el compromiso de los productores, su
trabajo asociativo y las capacitaciones; además de las competencias básicas y
transversales en el desempeño de sus colaboradores, lo que le permite orientarse al
aprendizaje organizacional y la mejora continua; finalmente, la percepción de una
adecuada retribución económica, la cultura de cambio que incluye su crecimiento
personal, el generar incidencia en la comunidad en que viven; todo lo cual mejoraría en
tanto la cooperativa preste atención a la salud de sus socios.
The research identifies the factors that explain the success of the Cooperativa Agraria Norandino Ltda., in the development of its agricultural producers in the Piura region, from its beginnings until 2022, analyzing the articulation of the principles of fair trade, the participation of partners and the skills developed in the collaborators. From a Social Management perspective, the aim is to know the key factors in the organization, export and its impact on the development of its agricultural producers; relying on approaches to human development, territorial development, and sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Qualitative research was used, interviewing managers, partners, collaborators and officials related to it. We found that the appreciation of the producers, the Andean culture of hard work, the skills of the collaborators and the cooperative response to the expectations of the partners explain this success. The factors that emerge are: encourages learning, internalizes the principles of fair trade, uses sustainable agricultural practices, values the work of the producer, a culture of leadership; likewise, the commitment of the producers, their associative work and training; in addition to the basic and transversal competencies in the performance of its collaborators, which allows it to focus on organizational learning and continuous improvement; finally, the perception of adequate economic remuneration, the culture of change that includes their personal growth, generating impact in the community in which they live; all of which would improve as long as the cooperative pays attention to the health of its members.
The research identifies the factors that explain the success of the Cooperativa Agraria Norandino Ltda., in the development of its agricultural producers in the Piura region, from its beginnings until 2022, analyzing the articulation of the principles of fair trade, the participation of partners and the skills developed in the collaborators. From a Social Management perspective, the aim is to know the key factors in the organization, export and its impact on the development of its agricultural producers; relying on approaches to human development, territorial development, and sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Qualitative research was used, interviewing managers, partners, collaborators and officials related to it. We found that the appreciation of the producers, the Andean culture of hard work, the skills of the collaborators and the cooperative response to the expectations of the partners explain this success. The factors that emerge are: encourages learning, internalizes the principles of fair trade, uses sustainable agricultural practices, values the work of the producer, a culture of leadership; likewise, the commitment of the producers, their associative work and training; in addition to the basic and transversal competencies in the performance of its collaborators, which allows it to focus on organizational learning and continuous improvement; finally, the perception of adequate economic remuneration, the culture of change that includes their personal growth, generating impact in the community in which they live; all of which would improve as long as the cooperative pays attention to the health of its members.
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