Informe sobre la Resolución 0761-2011/SC1-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe examina la validez jurídica de los argumentos desplegados por la Sala de
la Competencia N° 1 en la Resolución 0761-2011/SC1. Este órgano administrativo analizó la
publicidad comercial “Con B de Brahma” al amparo de los artículos 17° y 18° de la Ley de
Represión de la Competencia Desleal, con la finalidad de determinar si dicha publicidad
vulneraría o no la legalidad. Es así como la pregunta que guía este informe es la siguiente: ¿Es
jurídicamente válida la interpretación que hace la Sala de Defensa de la Competencia N° 1 de
los artículos 17° y 18° de la Ley de Represión de la Competencia Desleal en la Resolución
0761-2011/SC1-INDECOPI? La hipótesis que se desarrolla a lo largo del informe es que la
interpretación que hace la Sala no es adecuada conforme al principio de legalidad, ya que se
vulnera el artículo 51° y el artículo 55° de la Constitución Política del Perú. Asimismo, se
vulnera el principio de adecuación social, en tanto el mensaje que se extrae de la publicidad
refuerza estereotipos de género que resultan discriminatorios.
This report examines the legal validity of the arguments deployed by the Competition Chamber No. 1 in Resolution 0761-2011/SC1. This administrative body analyzed the commercial advertising "Con B de Brahma" under articles 17 and 18 of the Law on the Repression of Unfair Competition in order to determine whether or not said advertising is discriminatory. Thus, the question that guides this report is the following: Is the interpretation made by the Chamber for the Defense of Competition No. 1 of articles 17 and 18 of the Law for the Repression of Unfair Competition in Resolution 0761-2011/SC1-INDECOPI legally valid? The hypothesis developed throughout the report is that the Chamber’s interpretation is inadequate according to the principle of legality since it violates articles 51 and 55 of the Political Constitution of Peru. Likewise, the principle of social adequacy is violated insofar as the message extracted from advertising reinforces discriminatory gender stereotypes.
This report examines the legal validity of the arguments deployed by the Competition Chamber No. 1 in Resolution 0761-2011/SC1. This administrative body analyzed the commercial advertising "Con B de Brahma" under articles 17 and 18 of the Law on the Repression of Unfair Competition in order to determine whether or not said advertising is discriminatory. Thus, the question that guides this report is the following: Is the interpretation made by the Chamber for the Defense of Competition No. 1 of articles 17 and 18 of the Law for the Repression of Unfair Competition in Resolution 0761-2011/SC1-INDECOPI legally valid? The hypothesis developed throughout the report is that the Chamber’s interpretation is inadequate according to the principle of legality since it violates articles 51 and 55 of the Political Constitution of Peru. Likewise, the principle of social adequacy is violated insofar as the message extracted from advertising reinforces discriminatory gender stereotypes.
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