Informe sobre la sentencia de fondo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia del 21 de abril de 2022 en el caso de Presuntas Violaciones a Derechos Soberanos y Espacios Marítimos en el Mar Caribe (Nicaragua c. Colombia)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El tema principal del caso está relacionado con la determinación de si Colombia
vulneró o no los derechos de soberanía y jurisdicción de Nicaragua en los
espacios marítimos que le fueron reconocidos a través de la Sentencia de
fondo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ), emitida el 19 de noviembre de
Los hechos se desarrollaron entre los años 2013 a 2018, y comprendieron
múltiples actuaciones de parte de Colombia en espacios marítimos
nicaragüenses, como son: intervenciones a embarcaciones de bandera o
licencia nicaragüense, concesión de autorizaciones o permisos de pesca, la
oferta y adjudicación de lotes petroleros y constitución de una zona contigua
integral a su territorio insular. Considerando que Colombia no era parte de la
Convención de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Derecho del Mar (CONVEMAR),
el análisis completo se realiza a partir del Derecho internacional
consuetudinario. Para estos efectos, la Corte determina si algunos artículos de
la CONVEMAR reflejan costumbre. Asimismo, se aplican conceptos clave
sobre la Responsabilidad Internacional de los Estados para determinar si se
configuraron Hechos Ilícitos Internacionales que comprometieran la
responsabilidad internacional de Colombia. Tras el análisis de la sentencia, se
determinó que Colombia vulneró los derechos de soberanía y jurisdicción de
Nicaragua en su Zona Económica Exclusiva.
The main topic of the case involves determining whether or not Colombia violated Nicaragua’s sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the maritime spaces that were recognized in the Judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued on November 19, 2012. The events took place between 2013-2018, and include multiple actions by Colombia in Nicaragua’s maritime spaces, such as: interventions on Nicaraguan flagged or licensed vessels, granting of authorizations or fishing permits, the offer and award of oil drilling rights and constitution of an integral contiguous zone to its insular territory. Considering that Colombia was not part of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), all the analysis is made from Customary International Law. For this, the Court determines if some articles of UNCLOS are customary. Also, key concepts of States International Responsibility are applied to determine if Internationally Wrongful Acts were committed, involving Colombia’s international responsibility. From the judgement analysis, it’s determined that Colombia indeed trespassed Nicaragua’s sovereignty and jurisdiction in its Exclusive Economic Zone.
The main topic of the case involves determining whether or not Colombia violated Nicaragua’s sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the maritime spaces that were recognized in the Judgment of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued on November 19, 2012. The events took place between 2013-2018, and include multiple actions by Colombia in Nicaragua’s maritime spaces, such as: interventions on Nicaraguan flagged or licensed vessels, granting of authorizations or fishing permits, the offer and award of oil drilling rights and constitution of an integral contiguous zone to its insular territory. Considering that Colombia was not part of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), all the analysis is made from Customary International Law. For this, the Court determines if some articles of UNCLOS are customary. Also, key concepts of States International Responsibility are applied to determine if Internationally Wrongful Acts were committed, involving Colombia’s international responsibility. From the judgement analysis, it’s determined that Colombia indeed trespassed Nicaragua’s sovereignty and jurisdiction in its Exclusive Economic Zone.
Palabras clave
Derecho internacional--Legislación--Colombia, Derecho internacional--Legislación--Nicaragua, Derecho del mar--Legislación--Colombia, Derecho del mar--Legislación--Nicaragua, Tribunales internacionales--Jurisprudencia
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