Pertinencia de la Estrategia Educativa "Aprendo en Casa" con relación a las condiciones de vida de las niñas y los niños de 4to. y 5to. grado de nivel primaria de la Institución Educativa 2094 Inca Pachacutec del distrito de San Martín de Porres-Lima, en el ciclo escolar 2020, para el logro de su proceso educativo durante la pandemia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La educación es uno de los pilares fundamentales para que una nación se desarrolle
plenamente. El Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible Nro. 4 (ODS 4) al 2030 ha marcado la pauta
con respecto a la educación de calidad para todas y todos; sin embargo, aún se enfrenta a
brechas de desigualdad para que toda niña y niño pueda ejercerla como un derecho.
En nuestro país, el sistema educativo presenta grandes vacíos: una inversión insuficiente del
4% del PBI, gestiones ineficientes que no responden a las necesidades educativas y las
condiciones de vida del educando, carencia de los escenarios sostenibles que promuevan la
participación social en las políticas públicas.
El contexto de pandemia ha agudizado esta situación. En respuesta a la continuidad de la
enseñanza regular, el Estado peruano implementó la Estrategia Educativa “Aprendo en Casa”
(AeC). Nuestra investigación tuvo como fin identificar en qué medida dicha Estrategia está
respondiendo con pertinencia a las condiciones de vida que enfrentan las niñas y los niños
de 4to. y 5to. grado de nivel primaria de la Institución Educativa 2094 Inca Pachacutec del
distrito de San Martín de Porres - Lima, en el ciclo escolar 2020 para un adecuado proceso
educativo y el logro de sus aprendizajes.
La actual investigación aplicó una metodología mixta (cualitativa y cuantitativa), buscando un
análisis integral, mediante la participación activa de todos los actores involucrados en el
proceso educativo. De tal forma hemos explorado las condiciones de vida de las niñas y niños,
sus valoraciones con respecto a sus vivencias, modos de aprendizaje durante la pandemia,
tomando en cuenta el aspecto emocional, familiar y social. Así mismo, examinamos las
condiciones de trabajo del profesorado y sus valoraciones, en cuanto a la Estrategia
Educativa y si esta se adecúa a las condiciones de vida de sus estudiantes.
La pandemia agravó la precaria situación económica y duras condiciones de vida que ya
enfrentaban las y los estudiantes, quienes presentaban múltiples dificultades de acceso a las
clases virtuales, no sólo por la falta de conectividad, sino también por la carencia de recursos
tecnológicos, dado que la gran mayoría dependía de un teléfono móvil de baja gama, que a
su vez era compartido con otros miembros de la familia.
Por otra parte, la Estrategia AeC a pesar de brindar una respuesta rápida para la continuidad
de las clases, y presentar un diseño aparentemente accesible por ser una estrategia
multicanal (radio, televisión y plataforma web), afrontó múltiples dificultades durante su
implementación al no tomar en cuenta las condiciones de vida de la población estudiantil.
Además, la enseñanza inclusiva que en nuestro país su carencia es notoria, se vio más
afectada por la ausencia de contenidos pertinentes y falta de apoyo técnico permanente para
dicha enseñanza.
Finalmente, se evidenció que la plana docente afrontó el desafío de adaptarse a la enseñanza
virtual en un corto periodo de tiempo, por su poca o nula experiencia en el uso de las
Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC). Además, la mayoría de las y los docentes
no contaban con los materiales y recursos tecnológicos suficientes. Un punto importante
común a esta plana fueron las jornadas extenuantes de trabajo que las y los afectaron a nivel
emocional, físico y psicológico. También se identificaron casos de docentes afectados por el
COVID -19 o con otros problemas de salud. No obstante, es importante resaltar que, a pesar
de las dificultades expuestas, mostraron resiliencia y se constituyeron como la primera línea
de contención emocional de sus estudiantes y familias.
Por tales razones, se concluye que la Estrategia Educativa AeC no ha sido pertinente con las
condiciones de vida de las niñas y los niños de nuestra investigación. El presente trabajo tiene
la pretensión de constituir un aporte para las futuras investigaciones y políticas que busquen
asegurar una educación de calidad, que conlleve a la realización plena de sus protagonistas.
To the nation fully develops the education is the cornerstone. The Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) by 2030 has led the way according to quality education for all the girls and boys. However, there is an inequality gap to cope, knowing the education is a right. There are large gaps in the education system in Peru: 4% of Gross Domestic Product as underinvestment, inefficient management which do not respond the learning needs and the student living standards. The lack of sustainable settings promoting the social involvement in public policy. The context of pandemics has exacerbated this issue. To continue the regular education, the Peruvian government implemented the educational strategy named “Aprendo en Casa (AeC)” (Learning at home). Our research is designated to identify the AeC is letting the life conditions of the fourth-fifth-grade students from San Martín de Porres Inca Pachacutec No .2094 School in Lima are responding effectively in 2020 school year for a proper educational process and learning achievement. A mixed methodology was applied (quantitative and qualitative method), seeking a comprehensive analysis through the active participation of all the stakeholders involved in the learning process. Exploring the living conditions of girls and boys during the pandemic, considering the emotional, family, and social aspects. Likewise, the working conditions-values of teachers have been examined and if the educational strategy is suitable to student living conditions. The pandemic worsened the economic deprivation and rough living conditions of students, who have many challenges to access virtual classrooms, not only due to lack of connectivity, but also due to lack of technological resources. Most students depend on a low-rage cellphone which also was shared it with their family. Moreover, despite the AeC provides a prompt solution for the continuity of the education, the design of AeC is accessible for being multichannel strategy (radio, television, web). It also faced multiple difficulties during its transmission which the student living conditions are not considered. Furthermore, there is no inclusive education in our country, also there were lack of relevant content and permanent technical support for teaching programs. Finally, the teaching staff undertook the challenge to adapt to the virtual classrooms for a short period of time and for the lack of no expertise of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) use were found. In addition to, most of teachers didn’t have sufficient technological resources. Also, they suffered prolonged workdays affecting their emotional-physicalpsychological wellbeing. Teachers with COVID-19 and another health issues were identified. Nonetheless, despite the highlighted difficulties, the teachers show resilience and set an example for their students. As a conclusion, the AeC has not been relevant with the living conditions of the girls and boys. This research has the aim of creating contribution for future research and policy looking for the quality education involving the full realization of participants.
To the nation fully develops the education is the cornerstone. The Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) by 2030 has led the way according to quality education for all the girls and boys. However, there is an inequality gap to cope, knowing the education is a right. There are large gaps in the education system in Peru: 4% of Gross Domestic Product as underinvestment, inefficient management which do not respond the learning needs and the student living standards. The lack of sustainable settings promoting the social involvement in public policy. The context of pandemics has exacerbated this issue. To continue the regular education, the Peruvian government implemented the educational strategy named “Aprendo en Casa (AeC)” (Learning at home). Our research is designated to identify the AeC is letting the life conditions of the fourth-fifth-grade students from San Martín de Porres Inca Pachacutec No .2094 School in Lima are responding effectively in 2020 school year for a proper educational process and learning achievement. A mixed methodology was applied (quantitative and qualitative method), seeking a comprehensive analysis through the active participation of all the stakeholders involved in the learning process. Exploring the living conditions of girls and boys during the pandemic, considering the emotional, family, and social aspects. Likewise, the working conditions-values of teachers have been examined and if the educational strategy is suitable to student living conditions. The pandemic worsened the economic deprivation and rough living conditions of students, who have many challenges to access virtual classrooms, not only due to lack of connectivity, but also due to lack of technological resources. Most students depend on a low-rage cellphone which also was shared it with their family. Moreover, despite the AeC provides a prompt solution for the continuity of the education, the design of AeC is accessible for being multichannel strategy (radio, television, web). It also faced multiple difficulties during its transmission which the student living conditions are not considered. Furthermore, there is no inclusive education in our country, also there were lack of relevant content and permanent technical support for teaching programs. Finally, the teaching staff undertook the challenge to adapt to the virtual classrooms for a short period of time and for the lack of no expertise of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) use were found. In addition to, most of teachers didn’t have sufficient technological resources. Also, they suffered prolonged workdays affecting their emotional-physicalpsychological wellbeing. Teachers with COVID-19 and another health issues were identified. Nonetheless, despite the highlighted difficulties, the teachers show resilience and set an example for their students. As a conclusion, the AeC has not been relevant with the living conditions of the girls and boys. This research has the aim of creating contribution for future research and policy looking for the quality education involving the full realization of participants.
Palabras clave
Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020---Aspectos educativos--Perú, Educación virtual--Perú, Tecnología educativa, Educación y Estado--Perú, Calidad de la educación--Perú
Licencia Creative Commons
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