Informe Jurídico sobre la Resolución No. 0142-2022/SDCINDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La finalidad de la Ley de Represión de Competencia Desleal, aprobado por
Decreto Legislativo 1044, es reprimir todo acto o conducta de competencia
desleal que tenga como efecto distorsionar el adecuado funcionamiento del
proceso competitivo, como lo son los actos de engaño.
Por ello, en el presente informe jurídico se analiza la Resolución No. 0142-
2022/SDC-INDECOPI con el objetivo primordial de determinar si en el caso en
concreto Molitalia S.A. cometió actos de competencia desleal en la modalidad de
engaño a través de la publicidad en producto del Caramelo Pin Pop. Para cumplir
este propósito, es indispensable realizar un análisis superficial e integral de la
pieza publicitaria, conforme lo exige la normativa, para que a partir de ello se
delimite el mensaje publicitario y luego verificar si este corresponde con la
realidad. En este contexto, el presente informe pretende contribuir
académicamente con la inclusión y desarrollo de dos categorías que han sido
ampliamente reconocidas en los pronunciamientos del INDECOPI, para que
sean evaluadas dentro de la interpretación obligatoria que indica la norma, los
cuales son: la experiencia previa del consumidor y el contexto de mercado. De
igual manera, se pretende evaluar si la denominación del producto “Caramelo
duro tipo chupete sabor a fresa relleno con goma de mascar sabor a fresa”
también se debe incluir para el análisis del mensaje publicitario.
The purpose of the Repression of Unfair Competition’s Law, approved by Legislative Decree 1044, is to suppress any act or conduct of unfair competition that distorts the proper functioning of the competitive process, such as acts of deception. Therefore, in this legal report, Resolution No. 0142-2022/SDC-INDECOPI is analyzed with the primary objective of determining whether Molitalia S.A. committed acts of unfair competition under the act of deception modality regarding the Caramelo Pin Pop product. To achieve this purpose, it is essential to conduct a superficial and integral analysis of the advertising piece, as required by law, to delineate the advertising message and subsequently verify its correspondence with reality. In this context, this report aims to contribute academically by including and developing two categories widely recognized in INDECOPI resolutions, which must be evaluated within the mandatory interpretation indicated by the law: consumer’s prior experience and market context. Furthermore, it is intended to assess whether the product denomination “Caramelo duro tipo chupete sabor a fresa relleno con goma de mascar sabor a fresa” should also be included for the analysis of the advertising message.
The purpose of the Repression of Unfair Competition’s Law, approved by Legislative Decree 1044, is to suppress any act or conduct of unfair competition that distorts the proper functioning of the competitive process, such as acts of deception. Therefore, in this legal report, Resolution No. 0142-2022/SDC-INDECOPI is analyzed with the primary objective of determining whether Molitalia S.A. committed acts of unfair competition under the act of deception modality regarding the Caramelo Pin Pop product. To achieve this purpose, it is essential to conduct a superficial and integral analysis of the advertising piece, as required by law, to delineate the advertising message and subsequently verify its correspondence with reality. In this context, this report aims to contribute academically by including and developing two categories widely recognized in INDECOPI resolutions, which must be evaluated within the mandatory interpretation indicated by the law: consumer’s prior experience and market context. Furthermore, it is intended to assess whether the product denomination “Caramelo duro tipo chupete sabor a fresa relleno con goma de mascar sabor a fresa” should also be included for the analysis of the advertising message.
Palabras clave
Competencia desleal--Perú, Protección del consumidor--Perú, Publicidad comercial--Legislación--Perú