El rol de los medios de comunicación en la construcción de carreras políticas a nivel subnacional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Debido al colapso del sistema de partidos, estos han dejado de ser vistos como
necesarios por los candidatos para aspirar a puestos políticos (Zavaleta, 2014).
En este sentido, en el sur del Perú principalmente, han aparecido comunicadores
y periodistas que han logrado victorias electorales en el nivel regional de
gobierno. La pregunta que esta investigación busca responder es: ¿qué factores
explican el éxito electoral a nivel subnacional de los periodistas? Así, los
objetivos que se persiguen tienen que ver con ahondar en el rol de los medios
como sustitutos partidarios en el interior del país. La posible respuesta que se
plantea, es que los medios de comunicación tienen en el vínculo con la
población, un importante activo político que pueden capitalizar. Asimismo, la
utilización de medios comunicacionales, en especial la radio en el nivel
subnacional, se configura como una plataforma política significativa, dado el
alcance en cobertura que tiene. No obstante, estas dos variables no son
suficientes para asegurar el éxito político, por lo que entran a colación los grupos
de poder regionales. La importancia de realizar la presente investigación es que
existe un vacío en la literatura que analice el rol de los medios de comunicación
a nivel subnacional, y en mayor medida, desde una mirada política. En tal
sentido, la estrategia investigativa a usar será la cualitativa, pues se planea hacer
un análisis a profundidad de 5 casos. Además, el diseño de investigación será
exploratorio, en un intento por cubrir el vacío en la literatura existente y dar luces
sobre las explicaciones posibles a la pregunta planteada.
Due to the collapse of the party system, these have ceased to be seen as necessary by candidates to run for political office (Zavaleta, 2014). In this sense, mainly in southern Peru, have appeared communicators and journalists that have achieved electoral victories at the regional level of government. The question that this research seeks to answer is: what factors explain the electoral success of journalists at the sub-national level? Thus, the objectives pursued have to do with deepening the role of the media as partisan substitutes in the interior of the country. The possible answer that arises is that the media has an important political asset in the link with the population that they can capitalize on. Likewise, the use of communication media, especially radio at the sub-national level, is configured as a significant political platform, given the scope of coverage it has. However, these two variables are not enough to ensure political success, which is why regional power groups come up. The importance of carrying out this research is that there is a gap in the literature that analyzes the role of the media at the sub-national level, and to a greater extent, from a political perspective. In this sense, the investigative strategy to be used will be qualitative, since an in-depth analysis of 5 cases is planned. Furthermore, the research design will be exploratory, in an attempt to fill the gap in the existing literature and shed light on possible explanations for the question posed.
Due to the collapse of the party system, these have ceased to be seen as necessary by candidates to run for political office (Zavaleta, 2014). In this sense, mainly in southern Peru, have appeared communicators and journalists that have achieved electoral victories at the regional level of government. The question that this research seeks to answer is: what factors explain the electoral success of journalists at the sub-national level? Thus, the objectives pursued have to do with deepening the role of the media as partisan substitutes in the interior of the country. The possible answer that arises is that the media has an important political asset in the link with the population that they can capitalize on. Likewise, the use of communication media, especially radio at the sub-national level, is configured as a significant political platform, given the scope of coverage it has. However, these two variables are not enough to ensure political success, which is why regional power groups come up. The importance of carrying out this research is that there is a gap in the literature that analyzes the role of the media at the sub-national level, and to a greater extent, from a political perspective. In this sense, the investigative strategy to be used will be qualitative, since an in-depth analysis of 5 cases is planned. Furthermore, the research design will be exploratory, in an attempt to fill the gap in the existing literature and shed light on possible explanations for the question posed.
Palabras clave
Medios de comunicación--Aspectos políticos--Perú, Periodismo--Aspectos políticos--Perú, Medios de comunicación de masas--Aspectos políticos--Perú, Prensa y política--Perú
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