Análisis sobre la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional que resuelve la demanda de inconstitucionalidad contra el artículo 19 de la Ley No 30230. A la luz de los principios del buen gobierno
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo, analiza la sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional sobre el artículo 19º de
la “Ley Nº 30230” (2014). El mencionado artículo modificó de manera sustancial y temporal
la tramitación del procedimiento administrativo sancionador, convirtiéndose en una medida
excepcional, con el afán de privilegiar un enfoque correctivo en materia ambiental. Al
respecto, el objetivo principal del presente trabajo académico es evidenciar los problemas
que trae consigo la sentencia, en términos de administración ambiental y el debilitamiento de
la institucionalidad ambiental en el Perú. Ciertamente, durante la vigencia de la norma se
evidenció un incremento del incumplimiento de las obligaciones ambientales por parte de los
administrados. Nuestra hipótesis de investigación sostiene que, el artículo en mención de la
Ley Nº 30230 elevó el número de infracciones, debido a que el OEFA ya no contaba con
instrumentos disuasivos.
En ese propósito, analizaremos los argumentos presentados tanto por los demandantes como
por el Tribunal Constitucional, para lo cual resulta importante el estudio de normativa
nacional así como la internacional en materia ambiental y constitucional. Asimismo,
reflexionaremos sobre el análisis de la sentencia a la luz de los principios del Buen Gobierno
y sus principales consecuencias.
The present research work is based on the analysis of the sentence of the Constitutional Court on article 19 of Law No. 30230. The mentioned article substantially and temporarily modified the processing of the administrative sanctioning procedure, turning it into an exceptional measure, with the purpose of favoring actions oriented to the prevention and correction of the infringing conduct in environmental matters. In this respect, the main objective of this academic work is to show the problems brought about by the sentence, in terms of environmental management and the weakening of environmental institutions in Peru. Certainly, during the enforcement of the rule, there was an increase in the non-compliance of environmental obligations by the administered parties. Our hypothesis of investigation sustains that article 19 of Law No. 30230 increased the number of infractions, due to the fact that the OEFA no longer had the dissuasive effect that the sanction itself has. For this purpose, we will analyze the arguments presented both by the plaintiffs and by the Constitutional Court, for which the study of national and international environmental and constitutional regulations is important. Likewise, we will reflect on the analysis of the sentence in the light of the principles of Good Governance and its main consequences.
The present research work is based on the analysis of the sentence of the Constitutional Court on article 19 of Law No. 30230. The mentioned article substantially and temporarily modified the processing of the administrative sanctioning procedure, turning it into an exceptional measure, with the purpose of favoring actions oriented to the prevention and correction of the infringing conduct in environmental matters. In this respect, the main objective of this academic work is to show the problems brought about by the sentence, in terms of environmental management and the weakening of environmental institutions in Peru. Certainly, during the enforcement of the rule, there was an increase in the non-compliance of environmental obligations by the administered parties. Our hypothesis of investigation sustains that article 19 of Law No. 30230 increased the number of infractions, due to the fact that the OEFA no longer had the dissuasive effect that the sanction itself has. For this purpose, we will analyze the arguments presented both by the plaintiffs and by the Constitutional Court, for which the study of national and international environmental and constitutional regulations is important. Likewise, we will reflect on the analysis of the sentence in the light of the principles of Good Governance and its main consequences.
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