La importancia y necesidad de los programas de cumplimiento En las empresas privadas para contratar con el estado
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el presente trabajo se ha realizado un análisis cualitativo de la normativa peruana
referida a los programas de cumplimiento en las empresas del sector privado. Para dicho
fin se expone la normativa peruana aplicada al referido tema, así como las críticas a la
misma, para luego pasar a analizar la normativa y experiencia comparada. Todo el análisis
realizado lleva a la propuesta de a qué tipo de empresas interesadas en contratar con el
Estado se les debe exigir contar con dichos programas y a qué otro tipo de empresas se
les debe establecer como una herramienta opcional que les traerá beneficios como la
obtención de puntos adicionales en la calificación de sus propuestas a la hora de participar
en algún procedimiento de selección. Finalmente, se exponen los potenciales beneficios
de contar con dichos programas, así como la propuesta del apoyo por parte del Estado
teniendo en cuenta los beneficios tanto para el Estado como a las mismas empresas que
los van a implementar; y se propone el contenido mínimo de dichos programas. Es
importante que dichos programas de cumplimiento no sean solo compromisos de papel,
sino que para activar sus beneficios deben pasar por la supervisión de la autoridad
competente y que dicha autoridad determine su eficacia, de lo contrario, no serán tomados
en cuenta porque no cumpliría con la finalidad prevista.
This paper has made a qualitative analysis of the Peruvian regulations on compliance programs in private sector companies. For this purpose, the Peruvian regulations applied to this issue are presented, as well as the criticisms to it, and then the comparative regulations and experience are analyzed. All the analysis carried out leads to the proposal of what type of companies interested in contracting with the State should be required to have such programs and what other type of companies should be established as an optional tool that will bring them benefits such as obtaining additional points in the qualification of their proposals when participating in a selection procedure. Finally, the potential benefits of having such programs are presented, as well as the proposed support from the State, taking into account the benefits for both the State and the companies that will implement them; and the minimum content of such programs is proposed. It is important that such compliance programs are not just paper commitments, but that in order to activate their benefits they must be supervised by the competent authority and that said authority determines their effectiveness, otherwise they will not be taken into account because they will not fulfill their intended purpose.
This paper has made a qualitative analysis of the Peruvian regulations on compliance programs in private sector companies. For this purpose, the Peruvian regulations applied to this issue are presented, as well as the criticisms to it, and then the comparative regulations and experience are analyzed. All the analysis carried out leads to the proposal of what type of companies interested in contracting with the State should be required to have such programs and what other type of companies should be established as an optional tool that will bring them benefits such as obtaining additional points in the qualification of their proposals when participating in a selection procedure. Finally, the potential benefits of having such programs are presented, as well as the proposed support from the State, taking into account the benefits for both the State and the companies that will implement them; and the minimum content of such programs is proposed. It is important that such compliance programs are not just paper commitments, but that in order to activate their benefits they must be supervised by the competent authority and that said authority determines their effectiveness, otherwise they will not be taken into account because they will not fulfill their intended purpose.
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