Perfil de lenguaje de usuarios de prótesis auditiva de 4 a 8 años del colegio Fernando Wiesse Eslava
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La pérdida auditiva, influye en el desarrollo del lenguaje y aprendizaje, así como en la relación del individuo con su entorno. No obstante, estas dificultades disminuyen cuando los niños son diagnosticados e intervenidos a temprana edad. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo caracterizar el perfil del lenguaje de usuarios de prótesis auditiva. Se evalúan 40 alumnos (16 niñas y 24 niños) que cursan desde el nivel inicial hasta segundo grado de primaria con edades comprendidas entre 4 y
8 años del Colegio Fernando Wiese Eslava. Se emplea la Escala de evaluación clínica de fundamentos del lenguaje CELF – Preschool 2, orientado a niños de 3 a 6 años, que mide un amplio rango de habilidades del lenguaje receptivo y expresivo; así como la escala de evaluación clínica de fundamentos del lenguaje - CELF 4, que proporciona una evaluación de las habilidades del lenguaje en personas con edades comprendidas entre 5 y 21 años. Los resultados demuestran que existen alteraciones en los procesos comprensivos y expresivos, evidenciando una mayor afectación a nivel expresivo. En cuanto a los componentes del lenguaje, los resultados reflejan un desempeño por debajo de lo esperado, lo cual impacta en el rendimiento académico, en las experiencias sociales e interacciones mediadas por el lenguaje. Por lo tanto, aun cuando los niños acceden a una prótesis auditiva, el lenguaje presenta diferencias significativas en comparación con el desarrollo típico.
Hearing loss influences language development and learning, as well as the relationship with the individual with their environment. However, these difficulties decrese when children are diagnosed and intervened at an early age. This research aims to characterize the language profile of hearing aid users. 40 students (16 girls and 24 boys) who study from the initial level to the second grade of primary school aged between 4 and 8 years of the Fernando Wiese Eslava College. The CELF - Preschool 2 Clinical Foundations Clinical Evaluation Scale is used, aimed at children aged 3 to 6 years, which measures a wide range of receptive and expressive language skills; as well as the scale of clinical evaluation of fundamentals of language - CELF 4, which provides an assessment of language skills in people aged between 5 and 21 years. The results show that there are alterations in the comprehensive and expressive processes, showing greater involvement at the expressive level. Regarding the components of language, the results reflect a performance below expectations, which impacts academic performance, social experiences and language-mediated interactions. Therefore, even when children access a hearing aid, language has significant differences compared to typical development.
Hearing loss influences language development and learning, as well as the relationship with the individual with their environment. However, these difficulties decrese when children are diagnosed and intervened at an early age. This research aims to characterize the language profile of hearing aid users. 40 students (16 girls and 24 boys) who study from the initial level to the second grade of primary school aged between 4 and 8 years of the Fernando Wiese Eslava College. The CELF - Preschool 2 Clinical Foundations Clinical Evaluation Scale is used, aimed at children aged 3 to 6 years, which measures a wide range of receptive and expressive language skills; as well as the scale of clinical evaluation of fundamentals of language - CELF 4, which provides an assessment of language skills in people aged between 5 and 21 years. The results show that there are alterations in the comprehensive and expressive processes, showing greater involvement at the expressive level. Regarding the components of language, the results reflect a performance below expectations, which impacts academic performance, social experiences and language-mediated interactions. Therefore, even when children access a hearing aid, language has significant differences compared to typical development.
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