Análisis del programa "Familia Feliz" del Sistema Regional de atención integral de la primera infancia (SIREPI) del Gobierno Regional de Piura en el distrito de La Matanza durante el periodo 2015-2017
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio se trata del análisis del Programa Regional de Atención
Temprana Familia Feliz. que viene implementando el Gobierno Regional de Piura,
a través de Sistema Regional de Atención Integral de la Primera Infancia (SIREPI),
creado en octubre del año 2011 mediante Ordenanza Regional N° 233-2011/GRPCR,
y que es una política pública de carácter regional impulsada desde la Gerencia
Regional de Desarrollo Social con la finalidad de Impulsar y fortalecer la
articulación y concertación entre el Gobierno Regional, Gobierno Local y Gobierno
Nacional, para mejorar la calidad de vida de niñas y niños de la Primera Infancia
de la Región Piura.
El estudio se enfoca en la implementación del Programa Regional de Atención
Temprana Familia Feliz, en el Distrito de La Matanza en la provincia de Morropón,
considerado como una experiencia exitosa no solo porque ha logrado reducir de
manera significativa los indicadores de Anemia y Desnutrición Crónica Infantil,
pasando de valores del 30% y 27% en el 2010, a valores de 28.5% y 21 %
respectivamente en el año 20171, además este distrito tiene la particularidad que
una empresa de agro exportación que desarrolla sus actividades productivas en
su territorio también participar activamente en la iniciativa.
El Programa Regional de Atención Temprana (PAT) “Familia Feliz” orienta sus
acciones a todos los niños(as) menores de tres años, y cuyo objetivo es describir
la “contribución sobre el desarrollo integral de niños (as) de dos años de la región
Piura”. Entre los resultados esperados del programa, tenemos los siguientes:
Resultado 1. Familias desarrollan adecuadas prácticas de cuidado y crianza de
los niños (as) de cero a dos años.
Resultado 2: Niños (as) de cero a dos años con experiencias significativas
favorecen el desarrollo oportuno de sus habilidades bio sicosociales.
Resultado 3: Comunidades desarrollan acciones concertadas para asegurar una
atención integral de niñas niños (a) menores de tres años.
La investigación realizada es un estudio de caso el cual tiene carácter cualitativo
teniendo como unidad de análisis a las madres de los niños (a) menores de tres
años favorecidos por el programa, los funcionarios (as) del Gobierno Regional de
Piura y del Gobierno Municipal de la Matanza, así como también a los promotores
(as) del programa, el interés es comprender todas las características sobre la
implementación del programa que sustenten porqué se han logrado los resultados
y obtener algunas lecciones que puedan ser implementadas en otras localidades
de la región Piura o del país, ya que anemia y desnutrición siguen siendo dos de
los factores más importantes que perjudican la salud y el desarrollo seguro de
niños (as).
This study deals with the analysis of the Regional Early Care Program (PAT) "Happy Family" that has been implemented by the Regional Government of Piura (GORE) through the Regional System of Comprehensive Early Childhood Care (SIREPI), created in October 2011 through Regional Ordinance No. 233- 2011/GRP-CR, being a public policy of a regional nature promoted by the Regional Management of Social Development (GRDS) with the purpose of promoting and consolidating the union between the Regional Government, Local and National in order to improve the quality of life of children under 3 years of age in the Piura Region. The study focuses on the implementation of the Regional Program for Early Attention (PAT) "Happy Family", in the District of La Matanza in the province of Morropón, considered a successful experience not only because it has managed to significantly reduce the indicators of Anemia and Chronic Child Malnutrition, going from values of 30% and 27% in 2010, to values of 28.5% and 21% respectively in 2017, in addition this district has the peculiarity that an agro-export company that develops its productive activities in their territory also actively participate in the initiative. The Regional Program for Early Attention (PAT) "Happy Family" directs its actions to all children under three years of age, and whose objective is to describe the "contribution to the comprehensive development of two-year-old children of the Piura region. Among the expected results of the program, we have the following: Result 1. Families develop adequate care and upbringing practices for children from zero to two years of age. Result 2: Children from zero to two years old with significant experiences favor the timely development of their bio psychosocial skills. Result 3: Communities develop concerted actions to ensure comprehensive care for children under three years of age. The research carried out is a case study which has a qualitative nature, having as a unit of analysis the mothers of children under three years of age favored by the program, the officials of the Regional Government of Piura and the Municipal Government. of La Matanza, as well as the promoters of the program, the interest is to understand all the characteristics of the implementation of the program that support why the results have been achieved and to obtain some lessons that can be implemented in other localities of the region. Piura or the country, since anemia and malnutrition continue to be two of the most important factors that harm the health and safe development of children.
This study deals with the analysis of the Regional Early Care Program (PAT) "Happy Family" that has been implemented by the Regional Government of Piura (GORE) through the Regional System of Comprehensive Early Childhood Care (SIREPI), created in October 2011 through Regional Ordinance No. 233- 2011/GRP-CR, being a public policy of a regional nature promoted by the Regional Management of Social Development (GRDS) with the purpose of promoting and consolidating the union between the Regional Government, Local and National in order to improve the quality of life of children under 3 years of age in the Piura Region. The study focuses on the implementation of the Regional Program for Early Attention (PAT) "Happy Family", in the District of La Matanza in the province of Morropón, considered a successful experience not only because it has managed to significantly reduce the indicators of Anemia and Chronic Child Malnutrition, going from values of 30% and 27% in 2010, to values of 28.5% and 21% respectively in 2017, in addition this district has the peculiarity that an agro-export company that develops its productive activities in their territory also actively participate in the initiative. The Regional Program for Early Attention (PAT) "Happy Family" directs its actions to all children under three years of age, and whose objective is to describe the "contribution to the comprehensive development of two-year-old children of the Piura region. Among the expected results of the program, we have the following: Result 1. Families develop adequate care and upbringing practices for children from zero to two years of age. Result 2: Children from zero to two years old with significant experiences favor the timely development of their bio psychosocial skills. Result 3: Communities develop concerted actions to ensure comprehensive care for children under three years of age. The research carried out is a case study which has a qualitative nature, having as a unit of analysis the mothers of children under three years of age favored by the program, the officials of the Regional Government of Piura and the Municipal Government. of La Matanza, as well as the promoters of the program, the interest is to understand all the characteristics of the implementation of the program that support why the results have been achieved and to obtain some lessons that can be implemented in other localities of the region. Piura or the country, since anemia and malnutrition continue to be two of the most important factors that harm the health and safe development of children.
Palabras clave
Anemia--Perú--Piura, Anemia--Política gubernamental--Perú--Piura, Niños--Programas sociales, Desnutrición infantil--Perú--Piura
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