Elaboración de la prueba Mathkou VI para estudiantes de 6to grado de primaria de Lima Metropolitana.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de este estudio fue elaborar el instrumento de evaluación de
matemáticas Mathkou VI para alumnos de 6to grado de primaria de Lima
Metropolitana. La muestra se obtuvo por un muestreo probabilístico de
conglomerados polietápico, conformada por 681 alumnos de 14 colegios, 7
estatales y 7 particulares. Se estableció la fiabilidad por medio de la técnica de
consistencia interna, se estimó la validez de constructo mediante el análisis de su
contenido y el análisis de su estructura factorial y se elaboró los baremos en
percentiles para la interpretación de la puntuación. La prueba consta de 14
preguntas y fue elaborada en base a las capacidades y competencias que propone
el Diseño Curricular Nacional del 2009.
The objective of the present study was to elaborate the standardized test of Mathematics Mathkou VI for 6th Grade Primary school students in Lima. Students in the sample were selected according to the multistage cluster probability design. The sample was composed of 681 sixth graders of 14 schools, seven public schools and seven private schools. Reliability was established through the internal consistency technique, the construct validity was estimated by the analysis of its content and its factorial structure analysis. Finally, the scales were developed in percentiles for the score interpretation. The test has 14 questions and it was elaborated according to the skills and competences suggested by the National Curriculum Design of 2009.
The objective of the present study was to elaborate the standardized test of Mathematics Mathkou VI for 6th Grade Primary school students in Lima. Students in the sample were selected according to the multistage cluster probability design. The sample was composed of 681 sixth graders of 14 schools, seven public schools and seven private schools. Reliability was established through the internal consistency technique, the construct validity was estimated by the analysis of its content and its factorial structure analysis. Finally, the scales were developed in percentiles for the score interpretation. The test has 14 questions and it was elaborated according to the skills and competences suggested by the National Curriculum Design of 2009.
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