Habilidades comunicativas, procesos del lenguaje y juego en niños y niñas con Síndrome de Down del nivel inicial de un centro de educación básica especial del Distrito de Ate
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de la presente investigación fue conocer las habilidades
comunicativas entendidas como pragmática, interacción-apego, los procesos del
lenguaje comprensivo y expresivo y el juego en 9 niños con síndrome de Down
(SD) de 3 a 5 años que asisten a un Centro de Educación Básica Especial-CEBE.
La metodología empleada fue la descriptiva simple transaccional. Se utilizó la
prueba Rossetti Infant Todler, de origen americano, la cual fue adaptada al idioma
español peruano y pasó por la validez y confiabilidad estadística. Para la aplicación
de la prueba se consideró la edad mental de los niños con SD. Los principales
resultados fueron que dentro de las habilidades comunicativas sobresale el uso de
los gestos y el lenguaje comprensivo es más desarrollado en comparación al
lenguaje expresivo, el cual se evidencia deteriorado debido a factores asociados a
la condición genética de los niños con SD, así como también la pragmática y el
apego a personas que no conocen. En cuanto al juego muestran un buen
desempeño. Se llegó a la conclusión que, a pesar de las dificultades expresivas, y
en el uso del lenguaje con fines sociales, los niños con SD se esfuerzan por
comunicarse y pueden desenvolverse en su entorno.
The objective of the present investigation was to know the communicative skills understood as pragmatic, interaction-attachment, the processes of the comprehensive and expressive language and the game in 9 children with Down syndrome (SD) from 3 to 5 years’ old who were attending a Center of Special Basic Education-CEBE. The methodology used was the simple descriptive transactional. The Rossetti Infant Todler test of American origin was used, which was adapted to the Peruvian Spanish language and passed through statistical validity and reliability. For the application of the test, the mental age of children with DS was considered. The main results were that within the communication skills, the use of gestures stands out and the language comprehension is more developed compared to expressive language, which is shown to be deteriorated by factors associated with the genetic condition of children with DS, as well as the pragmatic and the attachment to people they don’t know. As for the game they show a good performance. It was concluded that despite expressive difficulties, and in the use of language for social purposes, children with DS strive to communicate and can develop in their environment.
The objective of the present investigation was to know the communicative skills understood as pragmatic, interaction-attachment, the processes of the comprehensive and expressive language and the game in 9 children with Down syndrome (SD) from 3 to 5 years’ old who were attending a Center of Special Basic Education-CEBE. The methodology used was the simple descriptive transactional. The Rossetti Infant Todler test of American origin was used, which was adapted to the Peruvian Spanish language and passed through statistical validity and reliability. For the application of the test, the mental age of children with DS was considered. The main results were that within the communication skills, the use of gestures stands out and the language comprehension is more developed compared to expressive language, which is shown to be deteriorated by factors associated with the genetic condition of children with DS, as well as the pragmatic and the attachment to people they don’t know. As for the game they show a good performance. It was concluded that despite expressive difficulties, and in the use of language for social purposes, children with DS strive to communicate and can develop in their environment.
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