Los problemas de diseño y ejecución de políticas públicas en la lucha contra el tráfico ilícito de drogas y el terrorismo en el VRAEM, en el período 2010 – 2016
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El territorio del Valle de los Ríos Apurímac, Ene y Mantaro - VRAEM, está
conformado legalmente por diferentes provincias y distritos de las regiones
políticas del Perú (Junín, Ayacucho, Cusco, Huancavelica y Apurímac), sometido
a los procesos internos con alcance nacional e internacional, cuyo sustento
fundamental es la gran producción de coca ilícita (sin interdicción) y drogas
cocaínicas financiadas y comercializadas por las redes del tráfico ilícito de
drogas, en alianza con los remanentes de la organización terrorista denominada:
“Partido Comunista del Perú – Sendero Luminoso (PCP-SL)” y su articulación
con los campesinos cocaleros.
La presente investigación se realizó bajo un enfoque del método cualitativo con
un análisis descriptivo, consultando a fuentes primarias y secundarias, a fin de
determinar los problemas de diseño y procesos de ejecución de las políticas
públicas del Estado peruano en la lucha contra el narcotráfico y el terrorismo en
el VRAEM, teniendo en cuenta que durante los últimos dieciséis años del siglo
XXI, los diferentes gobiernos, con constantes cambios de diseño de la políticas
públicas, ha optado básicamente por dos estrategias: La intervención directa de
las Fuerzas del Orden (Fuerzas Armadas y Policía Nacional del Perú), y la
ejecución de los planes estratégicos, sin lograr los resultados positivos
esperados, situación que implica que la existencia de normas, mecanismos y
decisiones políticas incongruentes dificulten el desarrollo adecuado de la lucha
contra este flagelo social; generando nuevos patrones del narcotráfico a partir de
las debilidades y descoordinación institucionales en las principales cuencas
cocaleras del Perú; situación que atenta contra el orden interno, el cual engloba
la seguridad y el desarrollo socio político y económico de la zona y del país.
The territory of the Valley of the Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro Rivers - VRAEM, is legally formed by different provinces and districts of the political regions of Peru (Junín, Ayacucho, Cusco, Huancavelica and Apurímac), subject to internal processes with national and international scope. international, whose fundamental sustenance is the large production of illicit coca (without interdiction) and cocaine drugs financed and marketed by the illicit drug trafficking networks, in alliance with the remnants of the terrorist organization called: "Communist Party of Peru - Shining Path" (PCP-SL) "and its articulation with the coca farmers. The present investigation was carried out under a qualitative method approach with a descriptive analysis, consulting primary and secondary sources, in order to determine the design problems and execution processes of the public policies of the Peruvian State in the fight against drug trafficking and the terrorism in the VRAEM, taking into account that during the last sixteen years of the 21st century, the State, with constant changes in the design of public policies, has basically opted for two strategies: The direct intervention of the Forces of Order (Armed Forces and National Police of Peru), and the execution of the strategic plans, without achieving the expected positive results, a situation that implies that the existence of norms, mechanisms and incongruent political decisions hinder the adequate development of the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism; generating new patterns of drug trafficking based on institutional weaknesses and lack of coordination in the main coca growing areas of Peru; situation that threatens the internal order, which encompasses the security and socio-political and economic development of the area and the country.
The territory of the Valley of the Apurímac, Ene and Mantaro Rivers - VRAEM, is legally formed by different provinces and districts of the political regions of Peru (Junín, Ayacucho, Cusco, Huancavelica and Apurímac), subject to internal processes with national and international scope. international, whose fundamental sustenance is the large production of illicit coca (without interdiction) and cocaine drugs financed and marketed by the illicit drug trafficking networks, in alliance with the remnants of the terrorist organization called: "Communist Party of Peru - Shining Path" (PCP-SL) "and its articulation with the coca farmers. The present investigation was carried out under a qualitative method approach with a descriptive analysis, consulting primary and secondary sources, in order to determine the design problems and execution processes of the public policies of the Peruvian State in the fight against drug trafficking and the terrorism in the VRAEM, taking into account that during the last sixteen years of the 21st century, the State, with constant changes in the design of public policies, has basically opted for two strategies: The direct intervention of the Forces of Order (Armed Forces and National Police of Peru), and the execution of the strategic plans, without achieving the expected positive results, a situation that implies that the existence of norms, mechanisms and incongruent political decisions hinder the adequate development of the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism; generating new patterns of drug trafficking based on institutional weaknesses and lack of coordination in the main coca growing areas of Peru; situation that threatens the internal order, which encompasses the security and socio-political and economic development of the area and the country.
Palabras clave
Narcotráfico--Perú, Terrorismo--Perú, Sendero Luminoso--Perú, Planificación política--Perú, Políticas públicas--Perú, VRAEM (Perú)--Aspectos sociales
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