Estudio de caso de un niño de 5 años 8 meses con dificultades en los procesos comprensivo y expresivo del lenguaje
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El lenguaje constituye una de las capacidades más complejas que posee el ser humano para el desarrollo
social y del aprendizaje, permite expresar los pensamiento, ideas y sentimiento en palabras; sin embargo,
en la actualidad es frecuente encontrar niños en edad escolar que presentan dificultades en el desarrollo
de su lenguaje, por lo cual no logran acceder a las nuevas experiencias en su medio escolar y social del
cual forman parte. El objetivo de este estudio de caso es realizar una valoración y diseñar un plan de
intervención del lenguaje acorde a las necesidades que presenta un niño de 5 años 8 meses con dificultades
en los procesos comprensivo y expresivo del lenguaje. Estas dificultades se presentan en cada uno de los
componentes del lenguaje que afectan el proceso expresivo y comprensivo, evidenciando un perfil
lingüístico no esperado para su edad.
Se sigue el modelo de intervención híbrido, el cual se basa en la relación directa entre el adulto y el niño.
Los resultados evidencian un incremento del vocabulario expresivo y comprensivo referido a las categorías
semánticas planificadas, logros en el establecimiento de relaciones entre palabras a través de asociaciones
categoriales y por complementariedad, y la identificación y producción de oraciones simples con estructura
Sujeto + verbo+ FP (con); así como la mejora en la inteligibilidad de sus expresiones al emitir palabras
bisílabas y trisílabas usando el fon /l/. Se concluye que el plan de intervención aplicado permitió al niño
mostrar avances en los componentes léxico semántico, morfosintáctico y fonético fonológico.
Language is one of the most complex human capacities for social development and learning, it allows to express thoughts, ideas and feeling in words; however, nowadays it is common to find school- age children who have language development problems Therefore, they can not access the new experiences in their school and social environment which they are part of. The objective of this case study is to carry out an assessment and design a language intervention plan according to the needs of a child of 5 years 8 months with difficulties in the comprehension and expressive process of language. These language difficulties refer to a delay in the development of each of the components of language that affect the expressive and comprehensive process, evidencing an unexpected linguistic profile for their age. The model of hybrid intervention, which is based on the direct interactions between the adult and the child,it is followed. The results show an increase in expressive and comprehensive vocabulary referring to the planned semantic categories, achievements in the establishment of relationships between words through categorial associations and complementarity, and the identification and production of simple sentences with structure Subject + verb + FP(Con) as well as the improvement in the intelligibility of their expressions when emitting bisyllabic and trisyllabic words using the fon /l/. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the child to evidence progress in the lexical semantic, morphosyntactic and phonological phonetic components.
Language is one of the most complex human capacities for social development and learning, it allows to express thoughts, ideas and feeling in words; however, nowadays it is common to find school- age children who have language development problems Therefore, they can not access the new experiences in their school and social environment which they are part of. The objective of this case study is to carry out an assessment and design a language intervention plan according to the needs of a child of 5 years 8 months with difficulties in the comprehension and expressive process of language. These language difficulties refer to a delay in the development of each of the components of language that affect the expressive and comprehensive process, evidencing an unexpected linguistic profile for their age. The model of hybrid intervention, which is based on the direct interactions between the adult and the child,it is followed. The results show an increase in expressive and comprehensive vocabulary referring to the planned semantic categories, achievements in the establishment of relationships between words through categorial associations and complementarity, and the identification and production of simple sentences with structure Subject + verb + FP(Con) as well as the improvement in the intelligibility of their expressions when emitting bisyllabic and trisyllabic words using the fon /l/. It is concluded that the intervention plan applied allowed the child to evidence progress in the lexical semantic, morphosyntactic and phonological phonetic components.