Reasignación de Suboficiales de la Policía Nacional del Perú, por la causal de Necesidad del Servicio, como acto de administración interna discrecional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Policía Nacional del Perú, es una institución del Estado, que tiene por finalidad
constitucional garantizar, mantener y restablecer el orden interno; prestar protección y ayuda a las
personas y la comunidad; garantizar el cumplimiento de las leyes; prevenir, investigar y combatir
la delincuencia; y, vigilar y controlar las fronteras. Para el cumplimiento de su finalidad promueve
políticas y objetivos destinadas a gestionar los recursos humanos, infraestructura, equipamiento y
tecnología, para asegurar servicios de calidad. Como parte de la gestión de los recursos humanos,
realiza acciones de desplazamiento de cargos, entre otros la reasignación de Suboficiales de la
Policia Nacional, por la causal de “necesidad del servicio”. Sin embargo, en la actualidad aquellos
Suboficiales que no están de acuerdo con la decisión acuden a los órganos jurisdiccionales en
ejercicio de su derecho de tutela jurisdiccional efectiva, advirtiendo falta de motivación y
vulneración de derechos fundamentales. En ese contexto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es
determinar de qué manera el principio de la buena administración, como principio general, a partir
del principio de transparencia y el deber de diligencia, pueden orientar positivamente al adecuado
ejercicio de la facultad discrecional, al momento de la emisión de actos de administración interna,
como actos discrecionales, que disponen la reasignación del personal policial por la causal de
“necesidad del servicio
The National Police of Peru is a State institution, whose constitutional purpose is to guarantee, maintain and restore internal order; provide protection and assistance to individuals and the community; guarantee compliance with the laws; prevent, investigate and combat crime; and, monitor and control the borders. To fulfill its purpose, it promotes policies and objectives aimed at managing human resources, infrastructure, equipment and technology, to ensure quality services. As part of the management of human resources, it carries out actions to displace positions, among others the reassignment of NCOs of the National Police, due to the "need for service." However, at present those NCOs who do not agree with the decision go to the courts in exercise of their right to effective judicial protection, noting a lack of motivation and violation of fundamental rights. In this context, the objective of this work is to determine how the principle of good administration, as a general principle, based on the principle of transparency and the duty of care, can positively guide the proper exercise of discretionary power, at the moment of the issuance of acts of internal administration, as discretionary acts, which provide for the reassignment of police personnel on the grounds of "need for service
The National Police of Peru is a State institution, whose constitutional purpose is to guarantee, maintain and restore internal order; provide protection and assistance to individuals and the community; guarantee compliance with the laws; prevent, investigate and combat crime; and, monitor and control the borders. To fulfill its purpose, it promotes policies and objectives aimed at managing human resources, infrastructure, equipment and technology, to ensure quality services. As part of the management of human resources, it carries out actions to displace positions, among others the reassignment of NCOs of the National Police, due to the "need for service." However, at present those NCOs who do not agree with the decision go to the courts in exercise of their right to effective judicial protection, noting a lack of motivation and violation of fundamental rights. In this context, the objective of this work is to determine how the principle of good administration, as a general principle, based on the principle of transparency and the duty of care, can positively guide the proper exercise of discretionary power, at the moment of the issuance of acts of internal administration, as discretionary acts, which provide for the reassignment of police personnel on the grounds of "need for service
Palabras clave
Derecho administrativo--Perú, Perú--Legislación, Procedimiento administrativo--Legislación--Perú, Policía Nacional del Perú--Legislación--Perú
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