Informe jurídico sobre la Resolución N°0014-2024/SDC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo engloba un análisis de la Resolución N° 0014-2024/SDCINDECOPI,
que surgió a raíz de la acusación interpuesta por Nouvelle Défense
y el Instituto del Derecho Ordenador del Mercado en contra de Tiendas Ishop
debido a infracciones a la leal competencia en la modalidad de engaño. Acerca
de ello, se analizará de forma específica la unidad publicitaria compartida en su
página web sobre la propiedad de resistencia al agua de sus celulares durante
media hora a una máxima profundidad de cuatro metros a través de (i) imágenes
y características del producto y (ii) un video donde es sometido a pruebas de
resistencia al agua. Siendo así, mediante la aplicación del Decreto Legislativo N°
1044, pronunciamientos anteriores y doctrina ha sido posible concluir de que lo
resuelto por la Comisión contravino la obligación legal de analizar la pieza
publicitaria de forma integral y superficial, criterio establecido para la publicidad
comercial en nuestro país, sin perjuicio de la forma en la que esta se materialice.
Para ello, será importante desarrollar el concepto de la parte captatoria de las
unidades publicitarias, toda vez que la ubicación del video analizado, por el cual
se concluyó la realización de actos de engaño, no se encontraba en un lugar
destacado que pudiera captar particularmente el interés de los consumidores.
This paper includes an analysis of Resolution No. 0014-2024/SDC- INDECOPI, which arose as a result of the accusation filed by Nouvelle Défense and the Instituto del Derecho Ordenador del Mercado against Tiendas Ishop due to infringements to fair competition in the modality of deception. In this regard, we will specifically analyze the advertising unit shared on its website about the water resistance property of its cell phones for half an hour at a maximum depth of four meters through (i) images and characteristics of the product and (ii) a video where it is subjected to water resistance tests. Thus, through the application of Legislative Decree No. 1044, previous pronouncements and doctrine, it has been possible to conclude that the Commission's decision contravened the legal obligation to analyze the advertising piece in an integral and superficial manner, a criterion established for commercial advertising in our country, regardless of the form in which it is materialized. For this purpose, it will be important to develop the concept of the capturing part of the advertising units, since the location of the analyzed video, by which it was concluded that acts of deception were carried out, was not in a prominent place that could particularly capture the interest of consumers.
This paper includes an analysis of Resolution No. 0014-2024/SDC- INDECOPI, which arose as a result of the accusation filed by Nouvelle Défense and the Instituto del Derecho Ordenador del Mercado against Tiendas Ishop due to infringements to fair competition in the modality of deception. In this regard, we will specifically analyze the advertising unit shared on its website about the water resistance property of its cell phones for half an hour at a maximum depth of four meters through (i) images and characteristics of the product and (ii) a video where it is subjected to water resistance tests. Thus, through the application of Legislative Decree No. 1044, previous pronouncements and doctrine, it has been possible to conclude that the Commission's decision contravened the legal obligation to analyze the advertising piece in an integral and superficial manner, a criterion established for commercial advertising in our country, regardless of the form in which it is materialized. For this purpose, it will be important to develop the concept of the capturing part of the advertising units, since the location of the analyzed video, by which it was concluded that acts of deception were carried out, was not in a prominent place that could particularly capture the interest of consumers.
Palabras clave
Protección del consumidor--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Competencia económica desleal--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Publicidad engañosa--Jurisprudencia--Perú