Los riesgos psicosociales en repartidores de plataformas digitales en Lima Metropolitana, 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal identificar los factores de riesgo
psicosociales que afectan a los repartidores de plataformas digitales, así como los
alcances y características del deber de prevención en materia psicosocial de acuerdo a
la legislación peruana. Para tal efecto, se ha empleado una metodología descriptiva y
cuantitativa. En la parte descriptiva se ha analizado la situación jurídica de los
repartidores de plataformas en el ámbito laboral y los alcances del deber de prevención
en materia de riesgos psicosociales; posteriormente, en la parte cuantitativa, se ha
desplegado una encuesta a una población no probabilista de repartidores de plataforma,
con la finalidad de identificar los factores de riesgos psicosociales que afrontan y brindar
recomendaciones para asumir una regulación legal adecuada en materia de prevención
de riesgos psicosociales. Se han llegado a las siguientes conclusiones: 1) A nivel del
derecho comparado, existe una tendencia normativa y jurisprudencial de reconocer la
laboralidad de los repartidores de plataformas digitales; 2) La identificación y tratamiento
de los factores psicosociales es una obligación que tiene el empleador en materia de
prevención de riesgos laborales, con independencia del vínculo contractual de sus
prestadores de servicios; 3) Los principales factores de riesgos de los repartidores de
plataformas digitales son la inseguridad jurídica, las condiciones laborales precarias, la
conexión permanente y la presión sobre el ritmo de trabajo (sistema de puntuación).
The main objective of this research is to identify the psychosocial risk factors to which digital platform delivery workers are affected, as well as the scope and characteristics of the duty of prevention in psychosocial matters, according to Peruvian legislation. For this purpose, a descriptive and quantitative methodology has been used. In the descriptive part, we were analyzed the legal situation of platform delivery workers in the work environment and the scope of the duty to prevent psychosocial risks; in the quantitative part, a survey of a non-probabilistic population of platform delivery workers was carried out, in order to identify the psychosocial risk factors to which they are affected and to provide recommendations to face an adequate legal regulation on the prevention of psychosocial risks. The following conclusions were reached: 1) In comparative law, there is a regulatory and jurisprudential tendency to recognize the employment status of digital platform delivery workers; 2) The identification and treatment of psychosocial factors is an obligation of the employer in terms of occupational risk prevention, regardless of the contractual relationship of their service providers; 3) The main risk factors to which digital platform delivery workers are affected are legal insecurity and precarious working conditions; permanent connection and pressure on the pace of work (scoring system).
The main objective of this research is to identify the psychosocial risk factors to which digital platform delivery workers are affected, as well as the scope and characteristics of the duty of prevention in psychosocial matters, according to Peruvian legislation. For this purpose, a descriptive and quantitative methodology has been used. In the descriptive part, we were analyzed the legal situation of platform delivery workers in the work environment and the scope of the duty to prevent psychosocial risks; in the quantitative part, a survey of a non-probabilistic population of platform delivery workers was carried out, in order to identify the psychosocial risk factors to which they are affected and to provide recommendations to face an adequate legal regulation on the prevention of psychosocial risks. The following conclusions were reached: 1) In comparative law, there is a regulatory and jurisprudential tendency to recognize the employment status of digital platform delivery workers; 2) The identification and treatment of psychosocial factors is an obligation of the employer in terms of occupational risk prevention, regardless of the contractual relationship of their service providers; 3) The main risk factors to which digital platform delivery workers are affected are legal insecurity and precarious working conditions; permanent connection and pressure on the pace of work (scoring system).
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