Propuesta de mejora de la evaluación para el aprendizaje con tecnología de los estudiantes de canto en una universidad privada de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente propuesta educativa se genera ante la dificultad para la evaluación
sumativa y formativa con criterios e indicadores de logro y con apoyo de la
tecnología en la escuela de música de una universidad privada de Lima. Se propone
mejorar la evaluación para el aprendizaje con tecnología al involucrar a los
estudiantes en su evaluación, fomentar el análisis y la reflexión constante de este a
través de rúbricas de autoevaluación y bitácora de reflexión a fin de desarrollar la
autorregulación de su aprendizaje. A su vez se propone incorporar a la práctica
docente la constante retroalimentación efectiva sensibilizándolos sobre el beneficio
de esta en sus estudiantes y en ellos, de igual modo utilizar rúbricas de evaluación
de las clases con el propósito de disminuir la subjetividad de la evaluación
permanente. Se realiza la experiencia piloto de la propuesta durante de seis
semanas produciendo un gran impacto en los estudiantes respecto de los
instrumentos de evaluación, la realización de estos instrumentos los ayuda a estar
más pendientes de su proceso de aprendizaje, desarrollando en la mayoría con la
práctica constante la auto observación y auto retroalimentación en favor de un
aprendizaje autorregulado, la constante retroalimentación efectiva recibida por parte
de los docentes ayuda a los estudiantes en el desarrollo de su propia
retroalimentación. Por otro lado, los docentes identifican que la subjetividad al
momento de evaluar a sus estudiantes disminuye debido a que ahora cuentan con
criterios claros y precisos a evaluar en las rúbricas.
This educational proposal arises due to the difficulty for summative and formative evaluation with criteria and indicators of achievement and with the support of technology in the music school of a private university in Lima. It aims to improve assessment for learning with technology by involving students in their assessment, encouraging constant analysis and reflection of this through self-assessment rubrics and reflection log to develop the self-regulation of their learning. At the same time, the proposal seeks to incorporate into the teaching practice the constant effective feedback sensitizing them about the benefit of this in their students and in them, in the same way to use evaluation rubrics of the classes with the purpose of reducing the permanent evaluation subjectivity. The proposal’s pilot experience is carried out for six weeks producing a great impact on the students regarding the evaluation instruments, the realization of these instruments helps them to become more aware of their learning process, developing in the majority with constant practice the selfobservation and self-feedback in favor of a self-regulated learning, the constant effective feedback received from teachers helps students in developing their selffeedback. On the other hand, teachers feel that subjectivity when evaluating their students decreases because they now have clear and precise criteria to evaluate in the rubrics.
This educational proposal arises due to the difficulty for summative and formative evaluation with criteria and indicators of achievement and with the support of technology in the music school of a private university in Lima. It aims to improve assessment for learning with technology by involving students in their assessment, encouraging constant analysis and reflection of this through self-assessment rubrics and reflection log to develop the self-regulation of their learning. At the same time, the proposal seeks to incorporate into the teaching practice the constant effective feedback sensitizing them about the benefit of this in their students and in them, in the same way to use evaluation rubrics of the classes with the purpose of reducing the permanent evaluation subjectivity. The proposal’s pilot experience is carried out for six weeks producing a great impact on the students regarding the evaluation instruments, the realization of these instruments helps them to become more aware of their learning process, developing in the majority with constant practice the selfobservation and self-feedback in favor of a self-regulated learning, the constant effective feedback received from teachers helps students in developing their selffeedback. On the other hand, teachers feel that subjectivity when evaluating their students decreases because they now have clear and precise criteria to evaluate in the rubrics.
Palabras clave
Innovaciones educativas, Aprendizaje (Educación)--Evaluación, Canto--Estudio y enseñanza, Evaluación educativa, Autoevaluación