La ausencia de capacidad estatal, liderazgos subnacionales, articulación territorial y coordinación institucional en la lucha contra la prevalencia de la anemia en el Perú: un estudio de caso, la región Amazonas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En los últimos años, el Estado peruano ha incrementado notablemente los
esfuerzos por reducir la elevada prevalencia de anemia en el país. Es así, que
se vienen implementado diversas políticas desde el MIDIS, MINSA y MEF. Sin
embargo, tales esfuerzos no se han traducido en resultados satisfactorios. Por
el contrario, la prevalencia de la anemia en el Perú se mantiene constante. En
esa línea, la región Amazonas es representativa ya que posee el mayor
incremento presupuestal e índices de cobertura del Programa Presupuestal
Articulado Nutricional (PAN), pero que no se ven reflejados en los resultados
debido a que la prevalencia de la anemia no ha variado mucho en la región. Por
ello, el presente estudio busca determinar cuáles son las explicaciones de que
la prevalencia de la anemia se mantenga a pesar de los esfuerzos realizados.
Entre las posibles causas del porqué los resultados esperados no son
alcanzados se encuentran la limitada capacidad institucional, la falta de
liderazgos, la ausencia de actores y alianzas estratégicas, los problemas de
coordinación y articulación, la discrecionalidad de la burocracia, y la ausencia de
enfoques territoriales e interculturales de las políticas. Para ello, el estudio va
consistir en reconstruir el proceso de la política de lucha contra la anemia. Por lo
cual se realizará entrevistas a todos los actores involucrados.
In recent years, the Peruvian State has notably increased efforts to reduce the high prevalence of anemia in the country. Thus, various policies have been implemented from MIDIS, MINSA and MEF. However, such efforts have not been translated into satisfactory results. On the contrary, the prevalence of anemia in Peru remains constant. In this line, Amazonas region is representative since it has the largest budget increase and coverage indexes of the Programa Articulado Nutricional (PAN), but they are not reflected in the results because the prevalence of anemia has not varied much in the region. Therefore, the present study seeks to determine what are the explanations that the prevalence of anemia is maintained despite the efforts made. Possible causes of why the expected results are not achieved include limited institutional capacity, lack of leadership, the absence of strategic actors and alliances, problems of coordination and articulation, the discretion of the bureaucracy, and the absence of territorial and intercultural approaches to politics. To do this, the study will consist of reconstructing the process of the policy to fight anemia. Therefore, interviews will be conducted with all the actors involved.
In recent years, the Peruvian State has notably increased efforts to reduce the high prevalence of anemia in the country. Thus, various policies have been implemented from MIDIS, MINSA and MEF. However, such efforts have not been translated into satisfactory results. On the contrary, the prevalence of anemia in Peru remains constant. In this line, Amazonas region is representative since it has the largest budget increase and coverage indexes of the Programa Articulado Nutricional (PAN), but they are not reflected in the results because the prevalence of anemia has not varied much in the region. Therefore, the present study seeks to determine what are the explanations that the prevalence of anemia is maintained despite the efforts made. Possible causes of why the expected results are not achieved include limited institutional capacity, lack of leadership, the absence of strategic actors and alliances, problems of coordination and articulation, the discretion of the bureaucracy, and the absence of territorial and intercultural approaches to politics. To do this, the study will consist of reconstructing the process of the policy to fight anemia. Therefore, interviews will be conducted with all the actors involved.
Palabras clave
Anemia--Perú--Amazonia, Región, Política sanitaria--Perú--Amazonia, Región, Gobiernos subnacionales--Perú--Amazonia, Región
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